Tengoku Daimakyou - Vol. 9 Ch. 55 - Anjulous ➁

Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2020
The doctor already told them most of what he knew, which was never much to begin with. He didn't even realize what he was doing at the facility, nor did he know how to cure the disease or stop the Hiruko. He told them about Tokio and Yamato, but nobody knows where they are. He also told Kiruko about Osaka, their likely next destination. He's lived a long life and like Usami, another doctor, wanted to die selfishly. But plot wise there wasn't much more for him to do. It's not like it's the last time we'll see him either, we'll definitely get a flashback of him and Aoshima hooking up during the last ten years.

And no, Kiruko could never kill man-eaters. I did like her action moment this chapter though. And a terminator reference is just funny.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Wait so Taka and Anzu's daughter is definitely the inn keeper girl right? Maybe she'll be important in killing Anjulas
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2023
I am going to say this and maybe gather some hate for it: this chapter is maybe one of the first where the author destroyed some credibility by forcing things to happen that didn't make sense.
Like how did the doctor know this was Anzu? It could have been any of the kids. We know it happened while she and Taka were together not when she was with the doctor....
Why did the doctor sacrifice his life when he didn't know that Maru could exterminate Man-eaters? Okay maybe he finds out about it but he has no idea how it works...
Why does the doctor have grenades but no one has a gun or molotov cocktails or any weapons? How did these people defend their towns. Kung Fu masters all of them?
We have seen monsters get ripped in half before when Kiruko shot the spider thing in two and seemingly killed it.
Why is everyone so incompetent when they decided to face this monster?

I am just surprised... that we have gone from Maru and Kiruko having to figure out things on their own when no one is around To help them to: well they are the best ones to solve all these problems because everyone else is bumbling and useless.
Jan 21, 2019
I am going to say this and maybe gather some hate for it: this chapter is maybe one of the first where the author destroyed some credibility by forcing things to happen that didn't make sense.
Like how did the doctor know this was Anzu? It could have been any of the kids. We know it happened while she and Taka were together not when she was with the doctor....
Why did the doctor sacrifice his life when he didn't know that Maru could exterminate Man-eaters? Okay maybe he finds out about it but he has no idea how it works...
Why does the doctor have grenades but no one has a gun or molotov cocktails or any weapons? How did these people defend their towns. Kung Fu masters all of them?
We have seen monsters get ripped in half before when Kiruko shot the spider thing in two and seemingly killed it.
Why is everyone so incompetent when they decided to face this monster?

I am just surprised... that we have gone from Maru and Kiruko having to figure out things on their own when no one is around To help them to: well they are the best ones to solve all these problems because everyone else is bumbling and useless.
The miko girl has some sort sensing powers, she did say that Anzu was no longer there, thus it's pretty easy to guess why he knew who she was exactly.
Desperation and guilt, he says that it was his responsibility, even if he didn't know anything about Maru's powers he knows by damaging it enough it will go in a defensive mode and so the restoration people won't be harmed.
We clearly see in chapter 54 one guy with a flamethrower and multiple ones with guns, the grenades can be explained easily, they/he found them. In chapter 47 both Maru and Kiruko are shocked at this Hiruko, they call it abnormal as well. If they who have actually killed ones before are shocked by this one then of course your average people wouldn't be that much of use. The battle against the Hiruko is one of struggle, at most normal humans have put them to rest till they regenerate, Maru and the gun are an anomaly and very OP.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2019
Also Sawatari/Sakota was planning on sacrificing himself from the start, he was basically looking for an excuse to kill himself. He was already wearing his bulky jacket full of grenades in the previous chapter.

Also there is plenty of unshown years between the Nibiru asteroid impact, Anzu transforming, and the present of 2039. There are a variety of ways that Sakota/Sawatari could have learned that Anjulous was formerly Anzu during the intervening 15 years.

Also Kiruko did not kill the spider-like Man-Eater (i.e. Nanaki’s Man-Eater), bisecting it didn’t kill it. Only Maru’s Maru-Touch can completely finished off a Man-Eater. At best Kiruko may have damaged it enough to force it to go into the near-death-like hibernation state.

Also the the Kiru-Beam is not large enough to be able to bisect Anjulous main-body/torso. It would just punch a large hole through it that it would later regenerate from, this chapter explains why targeting the tentacle-arms was essential.
Apr 7, 2019
At least we still got Aoshima. Im hoping she could give more info about Maru and the whole facility before the event. Now both Taka and Anzu is no more. Wonder what happened to their baby. Also i want to see more of that tomboy futanari ;)
Jul 11, 2023
Yes, only Maru has ever been capable of permanently killing a Man-Eater, if the core isn't crushed by Maru the Man-Eater will eventually regenerate and/or go into the near-death suspended state of animation (thus Nanaki's spider-like Man-Eater is still alive somewhere). Also the little Man-Eater's Ohma's Man-Eater spawned all had their own individual cores.

Also we don't know if The Director/Mikura turned into a Man-Eater after she died. While she did die from the unique disease that Tarao and Kuku died from (and Mimihime was afflicted by), we don't if the fact that Mikura's brain not being a Hiruko-person's brain originally (i.e. Nata had her brain removed) is a requirement for the body to transform after death or not.

Here's a character chart that people can refer to if they need help keeping track of the cast.


Thank you for this chart!

Just binged the manga after watching the anime, and this chart helped a lot with organizing the characters in my head. I have a few questions though, if you wouldn't mind answering them.

1: How do we know the hiruko form of Mako/Sachio and Taka/Mito?
2: The assumption that the two lovers Juuichi had his kid with was Nanaki and Iwa makes sense, but how do we know that the spider-like Hiruko is Nanaki and not Iwa?
3: Why is Nata/Mikura depicted as the robot in Sakota's office?

Some less pressing questions:
4: When is the second panel of Aoshima from?
5: When is the first panel of Robin from?
Jul 11, 2023
At least we still got Aoshima. Im hoping she could give more info about Maru and the whole facility before the event. Now both Taka and Anzu is no more. Wonder what happened to their baby. Also i want to see more of that tomboy futanari ;)
We were told the name of their kid is Totori, which is the name of the Hotel Tycoon.
Although this is enough evidence to go by, it could also be mentioned that Taka dropped the baby off in what looks like the eastern Chuo region, which is very close to where the Hotel Tycoon had set up her hotel (exact location: https://goo.gl/maps/uE1gxFRLPN2h2FQj9).
Jul 12, 2023
I just recently got into this bout yesterday at 3am when I randomly remembered the clip of kiriko and maru on top of the pillar waiting to escape the bear. So I decided to give the anime a chance, unaware that this series had a manga. I finished ts in 5 hours, one of the best binges I've ever done.

Everything I expected of this manga/anime has been completely changed in just the span of 7 hours, I honestly can't believe this was the series that got me back into anime and manga. Currently looking forward to season 2 and seeing all these panels animated, cant wait.
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Group Leader
Jul 25, 2018
I can't believe ppl are actually comparing shiros suicide to this doctors and saying author already shown he writes characters that could solve the problem off to continue the story

Shiro has loved mimihime his whole life. He has dedicated entire his purpose to be with her and to keep her from turning into a monster.

She was his world. And when she finally went in peace, he had nothing left in the world to live for, and so he went to be with her.

His suicide was unexpected but understandable. A tragic end to lovers from problems that were out of their control.

What arc did this doctor go through ? What revelation or shock caused him to strap on grenades ? If he wanted to an hero cuz of his guilt of partially responsible for the catastrophe why choose NOW to do it rather than all the other times ?

And why do it in such a yolo fashion that wouldn't accomplish anything ?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2019
Thank you for this chart!

Just binged the manga after watching the anime, and this chart helped a lot with organizing the characters in my head. I have a few questions though, if you wouldn't mind answering them.

1: How do we know the hiruko form of Mako/Sachio and Taka/Mito?
2: The assumption that the two lovers Juuichi had his kid with was Nanaki and Iwa makes sense, but how do we know that the spider-like Hiruko is Nanaki and not Iwa?
3: Why is Nata/Mikura depicted as the robot in Sakota's office?

Some less pressing questions:
4: When is the second panel of Aoshima from?
5: When is the first panel of Robin from?

1. Mako likely became the Man-Eater featured across chapters 38-40 due to them having similar powers (which students and their Man-Eater forms tend to have). In the case of Mako and the blobby Man-Eater they both share the power of being able to bend and warp space. Also Mako and the blobby Man-Eater are introduced to the narrative/given focus around the same range of chapters, which Ishiguro tends to do with students and their Man-Eater forms (e.g. Kuku and Taka were also given focus/introduced around the same chapters their Man-Eaters appeared).

Further evidence for Taka becoming the bird Man-Eater is that they also have similar powers. Namely, hard-to-see speedy slashes that only go in one direction; also the name Taka in Japanese means hawk/falcon, a type of bird. Some also argue that the bird Man-Eater having a messed up head could be the result of Taka being killed by partial decapitation, but that's not quite as meaningful in terms of strength of evidence.

And some extra bonus trivia about name(s) in Heavenly Delusion, the Shinto deities Michika Takezuka and Taka/Minamikata Mito are named after/reference, Takemikazuchi and Takeminakata-no-Kami respectively, in Shinto mythology the former is known for defeating the latter (like how Michika beat Taka).

2. We know it's specifically Nanaki due to the cover of chapter 29 (that features the spider Man-Eater on the cover) having her name spelled out in katakana (ナナキ) through the broken window-frames at the bottom of the cover page. Also Jūgo and Nanaki having similar hair color and texture also serves as additional supporting evidence to Nanaki being Jūgo's biological mother.

3. Because Nata's brain was most likely installed onto the robotic assistant in Sakota/Sawatari's office. That type of robot at the Academy was never shown with the pod (which is likely a brain-container) installed on it before (Mina, the pregnant robot AI has a number of those same sort of pods installed into her main body, indicating that she is likely composed of multiple brains in addition to other elements). The cover page to chapter 52 also supports by depicting Nata placed on the part of the robot where the brain-pod is installed.

4 and 5.
They are both from this page in chapter 44
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
I can't believe ppl are actually comparing shiros suicide to this doctors and saying author already shown he writes characters that could solve the problem off to continue the story

Shiro has loved mimihime his whole life. He has dedicated entire his purpose to be with her and to keep her from turning into a monster.

She was his world. And when she finally went in peace, he had nothing left in the world to live for, and so he went to be with her.

His suicide was unexpected but understandable. A tragic end to lovers from problems that were out of their control.

What arc did this doctor go through ? What revelation or shock caused him to strap on grenades ? If he wanted to an hero cuz of his guilt of partially responsible for the catastrophe why choose NOW to do it rather than all the other times ?

And why do it in such a yolo fashion that wouldn't accomplish anything ?
I gues Mimihime also became a man-eating monster.

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