Tensei Akuyaku Reijou wa Misekake do S Ouji wo Oshioki shitai - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Aug 13, 2020
Thank you so much for this. I was appalled at the other translator, who seemed to blithely assume that violence against women just wasn’t a thing that mattered, making their silly little point, and standing on a false principle.

I thought this looked fun, and I am glad that somebody is letting me see for myself, without interposing their attempts to gain admiration by being holier than thou. Oh yes, and your translation is way better too. Thank you.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
I was appalled at the other translator, who seemed to blithely assume that violence against women just wasn’t a thing that mattered
Slamming a wall in frustration isn't "violence". Not even the heroine registered it as violence-- along with being preoccupied over her inability to admit her sadistic desires, the worst words she has for him are "arrogant" and "fake sadist", not "abusive" or "violent".

Doing a play-by-play of grievances like the other TL did, though, is less than pointless-- just scanlate, or stop scanlating after a pithy statement declaring why (or just stop, nobody'll hunt you down). If you really can't help yourself, write it all in your TL notes and post it somewhere. The only thing the average reader wants to know is if your translation provides them with an accurate representation of the work. It's not even like we're dealing with indulgent rape scenarios.

I wouldn't be able to confirm if the actual translation is better (telling me they're not the same translation doesn't tell someone with residual JP knowledge anything), but the typesetting certainly feels better.
Group Leader
Apr 24, 2020
Slamming a wall in frustration isn't "violence". Not even the heroine registered it as violence-- along with being preoccupied over her inability to admit her sadistic desires, the worst words she has for him are "arrogant" and "fake sadist", not "abusive" or "violent".

Doing a play-by-play of grievances like the other TL did, though, is less than pointless-- just scanlate, or stop scanlating after a pithy statement declaring why (or just stop, nobody'll hunt you down). If you really can't help yourself, write it all in your TL notes and post it somewhere. The only thing the average reader wants to know is if your translation provides them with an accurate representation of the work. It's not even like we're dealing with indulgent rape scenarios.

I wouldn't be able to confirm if the actual translation is better (telling me they're not the same translation doesn't tell someone with residual JP knowledge anything), but the typesetting certainly feels better.


If you slam your fist 2cm next to my head while screaming BITCH directly into my face while you are LITERALLY on top of me, making it impossible for me to get away, you are being violent. And abusive. Showing excessive force to intimidate someone is a legal example of violence, just like threatening someone would be. If your partner, parent, boss, best friend, whoever is intentionally slamming their hands or throwing things that just barely avoid you in anger, their actions are abusive and wrong.

Characters rarely explicitly give their motivations and beliefs in detail, especially in a comic. Showing over telling! She doesn't say he's a bad boyfriend either because like. Kind of obvious.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
If you slam your fist 2cm
That fist was at least 31cm away from her head.

next to my head while screaming BITCH directly into my face while you are LITERALLY on top of me, making it impossible for me to get away,
A point is made that she is absolutely unphased and is uninterested in "getting away".

you are being violent. And abusive.
Violent and abusive to the bedpost, sure. I'm not going to register someone pounding a table at me in the heat of an argument once as "violence" or "abuse"-- it's "annoying" and "tryhard", if anything.

If it was to intimidate her, I would agree-- but...

Showing excessive force to intimidate someone
...he obviously wasn't. There's nothing he was trying to intimidate her into, the very next panel is him talking about how he's frustrated about how she doesn't tell him what she's thinking (presumably, they're in the middle of an argument), and he immediately proceeds to leave/break up in a huff despite getting worked up. Putting together everything mentioned until now, loss of composure is not "abuse" or "violence" (except to the bedpost, granted).

Characters rarely explicitly give their motivations and beliefs in detail, especially in a comic. Showing over telling!
What's shown by her
  • never calling him abusive or anything of the sort
  • not even flinching when he punches the bedrest (again, unphased)
  • her immediate thoughts after he blows up, then leaves, being about her incapacity to be frank about her sadistic desires
  • only ever calling him "arrogant" and "fake sadistic" when she was ranting about him to herself
  • initially characterizing her life as "simple and happy... so very happy" until the failed sex scene (but then, her lack of being broken up about her "simple and happy" life ending might indicate that she was just lying to herself and she wanted more in life, like beating arrogant boy ass? who cares, she's about to get tensei'd by gravity)
  • having absolutely no problem comically sadistically bullying boys against their wills (as they currently stand) instead of having any reservation about it on account of any past abuse
  • mentioning that she "wanted to be [her] boyfriend's domme but never got to try" (she doesn't avoid thinking about him, and the extent of her emotions towards him have been "mild annoyance")
indicates that she didn't consider him abusive or even violent, but just a "bad boyfriend" because he was "arrogant" and a "fake sadist" and that irritated her (that specific irritation is seemingly a regular feature after her reincarnation). This is what is told to us through her most personal contemplations where she has no fear to speak her mind (in her mind). This is what bears itself out as she immediately acclimates to having died and reincarnated into an otoge where she gets to spank boy ass indefinitely under a-- presumably intentionally comically-- thin pretense.

The fact that someone says something is itself a "show", because "saying" and "thinking" are actions that a character does for some reason. "Show don't tell" is an advisory for a writer to regularly go beyond dry authorial exposition when describing narrative realities (and as with anything in writing beyond the "must" of having conflict, there are times where doing so anyways would still work well). There's a definite difference between a narrator describing a character's backstory and a character doing it themselves-- and then, there's a difference in a character doing it as part of a monologue, soliloquy, or dialogue.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
This is good isekai for me. A sadist in a setting full of sadist instead of a normal good person in a setting full of bad people. Isekai character require to have either a fitting characteristic or just quirky trait for them to fit in the isekai.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023


If you slam your fist 2cm next to my head while screaming BITCH directly into my face while you are LITERALLY on top of me, making it impossible for me to get away, you are being violent. And abusive. Showing excessive force to intimidate someone is a legal example of violence, just like threatening someone would be. If your partner, parent, boss, best friend, whoever is intentionally slamming their hands or throwing things that just barely avoid you in anger, their actions are abusive and wrong.

Characters rarely explicitly give their motivations and beliefs in detail, especially in a comic. Showing over telling! She doesn't say he's a bad boyfriend either because like. Kind of obvious.
Violent and abusive. MY GUY SHE HAS A POKER FACE. It's not violence to NOT HIT HER and it's not even abuse because he didn't DO ANYTHING. Sure he said "BITCH" but words are not violence, he literally had a little outburst and LEFT.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2019
THANK YOU. the other translator was stuck up. i really appreciate you giving this a proper translation!! very much appreciated!
Aggregator gang
Jan 8, 2023
Hmmm, I don't really like the art style. Who knows, maybe the story will be better
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
1. Thank you for an amazingly  BETTER translation!

2. Also, huge thanks for see what is there, and not dropping a morality lecture with unintelligible hypocrisy.

3. When you commit physical violence on an inanimate object while referencing a person who is part of the discussion, you are physically showing them what you would do to them, as a clear and obvious threat. Every single woman on the planet knows this, and the fact that boys in their 20s and 30s don't know this is a gigantic fucking problem. It is a clear and obvious threat of violence to the person in question, and only an emotionally stunted moron, or mental infant would be unaware of such a thing.
Those who claim otherwise are plainly a bad date, and this is why nobody believes them when they say:
"But I'm a nice guy! How come girls only like assholes! Gilrs never look for Nice Guys like me!"

And seriously; if you get so angry in the middle of a discussion/sex/game that you have to Bellow at the top of your lungs, and punch something? Grow the fuck up. What are you, six?

I'm not accusing anyone here of doing such a thing, mind you; the characters are doing it in the manga.... but.... I think we've all known people who do this.

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