Tensei Inja wa Hokusoemu

Jan 18, 2018
are there more chapters available? lovehug only had raws up to ch 3 and it was uploaded over a year ago.
thanks for the chapters anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
Kinda bad but not spectacularly so. Seems to be confused about what kind of story it wants to be.
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
mc thinks and spouts shit that sounds pretty righteous when all he has in his mind is pretty much the same as a random old goat of a noble
if i had to point out what annoys me the most that would be about it
also the mc is an innate murdering machine and still is letting himself be blackmailed by every little shit instead of just saying "yeah screw you" and playing a bit of hard ball to at least maximize his benefits or preventing it from happening again
some things just dont fit
Jan 17, 2021
@Railander is a error i think, this manga is "new" (Published: Sep 28, 2020) and is to slow, because 1 ch is published every 2 months that seems to me.

The LN is something interesting, but because of the drawing of the manga and the little interest it seems to me that it will be canceled

Btw you can look in the "raw" section, only have 3 chaps and the next update is "2021/04/24"
Dec 25, 2020
it looks like a lot of smut but we didnt have any up to chapter 3 so mabey it can still get good
Oct 24, 2020
wtf is up with mc? a moment ago he is a normal salaryman but a moment later he plans to devour peoples future wife and rape people?? i mean wtf is going on?? shitty mc
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2020
officeworker die from overwork - checked
slowlife - checked
god send to new world - checked
adventurer life - checked
buying slave - checked
OP - checked
harem - checked
template edgy mc - checked
plot move according to mc muchroom - checked
Aggregator gang
Apr 20, 2018
Jesus fucking Christ, reading this feels like playing a broken video on fast forward. I don't even know if the translation is at fault here, it's bad, but it can't be the sole thing responsible for this atrocity of a story. The art is among one of the worst of isekai manga I've seen so far, just one or two other isekai manga are worse.

I would have to check the novel just to see if the story also feels like it's speedrunning through the plot, but holy fuck is this manga shit, it doesn't deserve to have a score above 5.
Aug 8, 2018
Honestly, this would probably go better if it just goes ahead and identifies as a hentai. The majority of MCs in those with a penchant for a harem and smut has the same premise to their story, with everyone knowing exactly where things end up. Don't expect anything of this, and read it for extracurricular activity, and you'll be better off instead of hating it as a regular manga to read lol.
Jul 2, 2020
don't even bother reading this shit its full of generic bullshit that'll make you cringe
Jan 31, 2021
So uh, he's offered to join the princess and the Duke's daughter he likes in their traveling party and potentially become a royal magician, and traveling with them would also put him in a position to get rid of Albat eventually, but instead declines because he's a simple adventurer without a title (even though traveling with them gives him a path to a position of status and importance), deciding instead to later create a dungeon to entrap them, despite already being on their good sides. Then goes off to do what any simple adventurer without noble status who's too low class to travel with royalty would do: outbid an entire room full of noblemen and merchants by 100 million currency above the next closest bet to buy a slave. You know, just humble, average adventurer things....

Art is pretty decent but I feel like the story is sorta all over the place and MC is an edgy horndog whose decision making confuses the shit out of me. Not totally awful, but then again I didn't come here for the plot. Smut tag very deserved btw, reads like an actual hentai that just hasn't had a sex scene yet.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
It's so trashy without actually being bad. I feel like if the author just really sat down and gave the characters precise motivations and depth then it could go from 4/10 to 7/10.

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