Tensei Pandemic - Vol. 7 Ch. 46 - Change is good

Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
@Darklight99 Yes but they always get with guys is the predictable part 🤣
I kinda agree somewhat about late character, but seeing him going farther than anyone to me is what's astonishing 🤷‍♂️
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
@Nari No not the least predictable thing here because theres a few stories that end the same way 🤣
At least build him up from the start, so I don't feel like he came out of nowhere with a lead 🧐
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@BloodySorcerer Wait, people were shipping Loki? I thought Loki's entire point was that she actually made a friend, there was nothing romantic about her interactions with anyone.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
@Nari Because this is a ASSPULL move, 40 something chapters of MC trying to get the girl, girls falling in love with MC and OUT of fucking no where some background char who we can only see HALF HIS FUCKING FACE suddenly MC falls in love with him and author does this shit in like less than 5 fucking chapters.....Its like author got HELLA fucking lazy, decided to read boku girl and became this meme
........ author legit somehow made this series worse than boku girl because in this series they got the girl liking MC back and a bunch of other close girls too....all in all this series was a waste of time


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
@dokidoki Stop worrying, this thing isn't going anywhere, you already said it, it's a background char with half a face.
Double-page supporter
Jan 28, 2019

firstly... copying boku girl? theres literally only two routes here, MC dates a girl, or MC dates a boy, just because they went down 1 of 2 possible routes doesnt make it a copy

secondly, um, stuff like this happens irl, im one of them, i liked this guy for years, then one day i met a new guy who i quickly fell in love with.... love isnt something that attaches itself to just one person and cant ever be overridden. this manga is still realistic in its portrayal of love

so again, if you think its a waste of time and a crap manga because the manga did a 100% realistic scenario thats not really that uncommon, then ok, you can read mangas for the ideal scenarios, but ok, lmao
Double-page supporter
Jan 28, 2019
@lilmagi the change in sexuality isnt nesscarily that they are "now a girl, therefore must like dudes" but that the body now has a sudden massive rush of estrogen and the brain is now rewiring to cope, in such a situation its not really out of the ordinary that the MC may experience a change of sexuality

secondly, its possible MC was bisexual from the start and their feelings for the other girl were simply strong enough to not display any signs of it

and thirdly.... who said the MC now "is hetero" .... maybe shes just bisexual now? we literally dont have enough information to go on to assume that the author pulled a "is girl = likes men" card

@Invader_Retro i really wouldnt say its predictable to fall for a guy, considering japanese views on trans issues. majority of gender swap mangas still have the guy turned girl get with a girl... why you ask? because japanese sentiment makes it so they still believe that the guy turned girl is still a guy no matter how their body changed, its sort of why literally every depiction of the scenario still has literally everyone treat the gender swapped characters as 100% men

i dont even know of many mangas where the guy turned girl ends up with men, i only know of Idol Pretender and Boku Girl and ive read every genderbender, gender swap, crossdressing, transgender mangas i could find, because i REALLY like this genre
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
@Nari you said a lot but the ones you listed the mc genderbent got with a dude xD
I don't know what Japans views are on this still but that doesn't seem to affect the normal manga or hentai for that matter 🤔
Plus the girl here is childhood friend which actually lessens the predictability if he got with her 🤔
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@Darklight99 True, there wasn't anything romantic with her for the most part, the last few arcs however are an exception. While it was nowhere near close to be engame viable, she was definitely close to being a possible ship
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@BloodySorcerer I never felt that, I thought Loki just finally found a person that she actually cared about and didn't just want to mess with, which led to her actually giving MC a proper choice as to what she would want without any more tricks. It was never romantic
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
@Nari really? he def could've went multiple routes not just 2, the reason I said it was a exact copy of boku girl is because the GOAL of the series was to date the girl he likes, heck in boku girl the male dude was his main friend but in this series the MALE friend is a fucking background char that out of no where suddenly SOMEHOW became the main love interest?? its even more ridiculous when MC has several girls that likes him and instead he choses this male for no reason, This is the exact reason I said the series is now shit, because author decided to scrap the original goal to date the girl and decided to make the MC a homosexual FOR ZERO REASON, its like the past 40 something chapters had ZERO point because at least in boku girl the male was there from the start and didn't steal the spot light out of no where
Active member
Apr 24, 2018
@Nari I never said anything about hetero, or that she is ONLY attracted to guys. Or that the change is "out of the ordinary". Just that if you want to use biology to explain stuff, or to write stuff (if you are an author of a work. You can go either way. Like you said, maybe the MC was bi before, but never realized it? Or maybe the rewiring made new pathways, or closed old ones. OR here is the big one, while things got rewired and changed, she is still only attracted to girls. So a guy gets transformed into a lesbian, if you will.
I can see an angle of a story that you have descried " the body now has a sudden massive rush of estrogen and the brain is now rewiring to cope", and express it in a way by how the character experiences all the different emotions, maybe they see things differently, BUT still retain only attraction to girls.
All of this possible and plausible if you use biology angle. Just don't do "well they are now experiencing tons of different hormones, and therefore must change their sexuality.". there is that difference between a "must" and "could, if you want it to". Which the "now a girl, therefore must like dudes" remark was about.

Because in the end all that comes down to what you want. All that other stuff of "hormones, chromosomes, etc" is just windows dressing to make things plausible.
Active member
Apr 24, 2018
@Nari oh I just noticed your other part "i dont even know of many mangas where the guy turned girl ends up with men, i only know of Idol Pretender and Boku Girl and ive read every genderbender, gender swap, crossdressing, transgender mangas i could find, because i REALLY like this genre"
Which really surprised me.
Megu Milk, Sekainohate de Aimashou, Kanojo ni Naru Hi and Kanojo ni Naru Hi: Another, Jinzou Shoujo, The Day of Revolution,
And if you count where the transformed has feelings for a guy, then you can get even more: Remix Heart, Maomarimo, Nozomu Nozomi.
Oh and that doesn't count the running manga that can go that way, like Asuka Hybrid, Succubus ni Tensei Shita Node Milk wo Shiborimasu. and Cylcia=Code (sort of, if you count the "girl friend, transfromes into a guy now and then). And bunch of other webtoons.
That is just what I remember, / briefly checked from a list I found.

I guess there is a difference where the transformed just has attraction to guys now and where they end up in a relationship. But manga in general, especially if they have elements of comedy, tend to avoid that commitment.
Double-page supporter
Jan 28, 2019
@Invader_Retro i didnt "say a lot" i said i read a lot of genderbender type mangas and i listed two, TWO that i know of that has the genderbent MC end up with a dude, thats not a lot, thats my point, majority of the genderbent MCs in manga end up with girls

"Plus the girl here is childhood friend which actually lessens the predictability if he got with her "
also, note that Yurina is also a childhood friend too, so yea

@lilmagi my only reply to your own reply to me is that im not saying the MC *has* to change sexuality, im just saying that if they *did* change sexaulity then its still rooted in biological phenomenon and isnt really unrealistic... the issue is when a manga does decide to go this root everyone screams at the top of their lungs "forcing people to be straight when they change sex REEEEEEEE" but they forget that this is a very real situation that could happen (if sudden sex changes were a thing) so it should be looked at in a medical/philosophical sense, rather then a politically motivated ideation based on ideas surrounding LGBT and similar issues

basically, im saying: "i dont like that everyones going REEE and shitting on a manga because they went down a completely plausibly realistic route (which hasnt even been confirmed they are going down that route yet)

personally in my opinion, any storys relating to transgenders in any way, SHOULD explore changes in sexuality, because believe me, as a transwoman myself, hormones have a really big effect on sexuality, even if your oreintation doesnt change, it may make guys seem cuter, or the thought of sucking D might seem more appealing, or maybe your just more horny... who knows, end of the matter is, changes in sexuality DOES occur, near gurenteed to change in some way so yes mangas should explore sexuality

as for your second post @lilmagi, i read megu milk but i dont remember, its been too long, as for the others, sorry, i only remember the english names. but maybe theres more i forgot about, but i think even of those you listed they either A) already were hinted at early on to possibly be gay or bi... or B) date a girl for a time after the sex change before ending up with the guy

manga where the guys are hinted at being straight, turned into girls, them all of a sudden wants the big D in their V, arent actually *that* common, most at the very least hint at non hetero sexuality from the start, or the MC atleast has ended up atleast kissing a girl after the sex change etc...
Double-page supporter
Jan 28, 2019
@dokidoki "decided to make the MC a homosexual FOR ZERO REASON"
again, we dont know that they werent already bisexual to begin with, and MC liking a dude doesnt automatically make him a homosexual now, again, he could just be Bi and just realizing hes got feelings for guys, which may play into the idea that the MC gets more feminine and accepts being a girl while still getting together with Yurina.... its WAY too soon for you to be talking shit and saying your quitting

actually, i wouldnt be surprised of this miniarc here is just to show the MCs transition into realizing their feminine side and accepting the fact they are a girl, without actually having them date
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
I'm just talking about probability it doesn't have to happen, let's just wait and see 😅🤷‍♂️


Dec 4, 2018
Is it just me or is that a rather unusual course of action for a manga such as this
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
Well, I was and am firmly on the Kyousuke ship even before these recent chapters, but I recently read a different manga where the ship that sailed was the one I hated and that pissed me off so fucking much so I guess I can relate.
Jan 6, 2019
Hina changed into a girl physically....so he is really a "she". It is not transgender, it is a gender swap. If that could happen in real life, that would be pretty cool.

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