Seemingly solid premise at first, but The Thing In The Title all but gets dropped barely above a dozen chapters in— Not that it ever did it well in the first place, lol. The manga goes around portraying her disability really badly, flip-flopping between “I am the MC I am blind and this is how I work deal with life” and “I am big strong man father figure protect little child” with no sense of harmony between these two things. There is only harsh, whiplash-inducing switches between these two perspectives. It’s like they remembered she was supposed to be blind, and had to add silhouettes to make sure we see that she’s actually blind, guys! Not the worst, but the Thing In The Title being dropped is certainly a hefty nail hammered to the coffin.
I do not recommend this manga. 3/10 is a surprisingly good score already, but that’s because the art at least looks nice. (Also, how does this even have an 8-star rating?!)