Why does no one knows how to write a story that follows the premise...
For a story where the main character should be forsaking everything to learn magic there is too much time where she is not doing it. Not only she is not learning magic most of the chapters the magic system presented is also weird.
There are two ways of magic: Formless magic and artefact magic. Instead of starting with formeless magic, that would require less memorization and materials, they start with artefact magic requiring her to memorize 400 herbs, something that could end up being useless if she decides to just not care about artefact magic after learning the formless one, while the artefact magic requires one to know formless magic anyway to be performed. It makes no sense.
If we are to believe she is an occult nerd, that she is not pouring over books learning anything and everything she can about magic instead of waiting for someone to teach her about it is quite disapoint too, not to say unrealistic (that is important because it takes the reader from the fantasy).
I just hope it gets better with time or at least something happens so I can stop caring about how the setting is inexistent and focus on whatever story the author decides to get distracted with.
I really didn't expected this would turn into another generic "cute girl doing cute things with plot armour" type.
Thank you for the translation.