Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - Vol. 10 Ch. 45 - In Brumund Kingdom (Part 2)

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
"How much is "as much as possible"? As much as to deal with the situation at hand? Enough to leave Tempest defenceless?"

@Qelix unless you are working with a specific kind of magically binding pacts or the other party is in a position of power over you and can enforce their interpretation, vagueness goes both ways and it is the side that actually does the thing who gets to decide what they consider possible. The others can complain of course if they think it isn't enough. But yeah still better to have clear terms.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2018
About the treaty with Brumund,

They won't start anything even with Tempest backing them as they are by the large the smallest kingdom and for all intents a purposes a peaceful one with only a small army so they're in actual worry of getting rolled if someone like say the Eastern Empire decided to invade. They actually DO keep their bargain with Tempest and send a 100 man vanguard led by Fuse to aid them in the future with more to come, but the time he arrives with them the crisis has passed.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2018

Yeah sort of. Brumund is a small kingdom compromised of a collection of small towns and villages and just the capital itself. Any of the local major powers could in theory roll them, but that won't happen due to the many treaties already in place between Brumund, Dwargon, Ingracia, and Ruberion with Ingracia being a neighbor kingdom to Brumund and home to the Adventurer's Guild HQ. The benefit of the treaty actually DOES benefit Tempest more since it means a major non-neutral human kingdom acknowledges them as a legitimate nation and conflict with the Eastern Empire would have been unavoidable no matter what since they'd have to go via the forest and thus clashing directly or going via Dwargon and triggering their support treaty there. Rimuru still did get played, but his only real loss was not asking for a bigger kick-back. As for their support, I can't detail due to spoilers and the sheer fucking awesomeness of it all and I really can't wait for that shit to go down...which won't be in manga form til probably March of next year at the likely earliest. :(
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Why do you use such strong swear words as "fucking" in a comic book for children?
Jan 20, 2018
i wondering is it really smart to get advantages of your suppose allies in treaty? Would they not hold grudge against you when they realize it?
or it was suppose to be a battle and you win an advantages thanks to wit or opponent naivety?
Dec 28, 2018
The treaty Rimuru signed was such a dumb mood that my mood just fucking tanked.
Double-page supporter
Nov 24, 2019
Is it really such a great move to trick this country which they fully know is way stronger than them (hence the reason for even doing it)?

If Rimuru wasn't so timid and complacent "benevolent", he could completely take over their entire territory by himself. Wouldn't even be a need to go to war. Just start killing those in high positions until the rest become submissive.
Why risk that when they could just be honest and give some extra benefits for his protection?

And in the end it doesn't matter what he signed because might makes right. If Rimuru becomes displeased for whatever reason, they have no way of enforcing the terms. The contract is entirely based on the goodwill of Rimuru and the benefits he believes it might bring.

This is one of my major gripes with the manga as a whole, Rimuru just lets everyone walk all over him, even his followers.
He doesn't have to demand absolute obedience or anything, but when they (unknowingly) decide things against his will like telling Milim she doesn't need to help or accepts punishment for touching some elf tits, he just feels incredibly weak-willed.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
lul I have to wonder if shinoda228 was just being sarcastic or learned the hard way? Seeing some of the manga his group is scanlating...
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 5, 2019
Eastern nations? Does that mean all the nations that don’t share a border with them or is the left side of the map east?
Jan 10, 2020
@Degernase Don't forget that Rimuru's goal is to cooperate with humans, if he just take over an entire country like you said no one would dare to befriend him and his plan would collapse. And Rimuru just arrived in this world, what if a demon lord was working with Blumund behind the scenes? At the level that Rimuru is now in this chapter he would be easy prey. He's just being careful because he knows he doesn't have enough strength and experience. And about the elves, that was just a comic relief lol.
Double-page supporter
Nov 24, 2019
I'm not saying that he acted uncharacteristic, rather that they don't know his personality or goals at all other than him being really strong and leading a nation of monsters. It's pretty risky to give such a powerful yet unknown entity the short end of the stick in what's supposed to be the first steps towards reaching mutually beneficial cooperation.

And I don't mind having Rimuru be the butt of a few jokes, though eventually it gets a bit annoying with how agreeable he is, comic relief or not.
Feb 2, 2019
@Degernase I think it’s fair to say he wasn’t exactly mentally prepared to be a leader of a nation (the role was pretty much forced on him) The fact he is complacent as you say is amplified by the fact that all of his decisions will ultimately determine human-Tempest relations. He probably won’t be taking any aggressive positions so long as human-monster relations are finicky. Once their relations are solidified, I’m sure someone in power in Tempest (if not Rimuru) will have space to take more aggressive stances. Plus, I doubt an intelligent politician as Beloard (or whatever his name was) would have made that move without already understanding the nature of Rimuru’s intentions (as a national leader, not as an individual) to at least some degree. As Rimuru earlier pointed out, many different people would be keeping their eyes on Tempest, humans are no exception.
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
we also have to understand that Rimuru was just a normal human being before being "forced" in the role of a massive gathering, it's also nice that he realizes his inexperiencedness and naiveity.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2019
Anyone that has played any kingdom building game knows what it means to have a defensive treaty, let alone someone with a great sage helping them. Rimuru is just an idiot here for the sake of the story/plot.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
Eh, if they're only at risk of the Eastern kingdoms invading, the treaty is still basically free for Tempest since anyone who wants to invade Brumund from the East would have to cross through Tempest sovereign territory anyway. Meaning Tempest would have to choose between allowing an indeterminate strength army cross the whole breadth of the country or going to war regardless.

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