Rimuru has to fight Hinata Sakaguchi and the attack on Tempest witch resulted in Shion and several tempest members death which forced Rimuru to become a demon lord?
That was fantastic, this chap wasn't even yet visible when I clicked forwards (because it mentioned two in the first one, I was hopeful) and it was up!
I know this is completely off topic, but it's been on my mind for a while. I wish rimaru would take a guy's form, that'd be hot. I hope the author does some fan service for us girls too.
@Xx_Itz_Jamez_xX The anime only has 2 episodes left, it's 24 episodes. So it looks like this fight might be the final episode, or the aftermath in Tempest after this fight will be the ending. Or they flesh out the spirit thing and goodbyes and it ends before they fight. Either way S1 is gonna be a cliffhanger ending. Pray S2 is announced after the final episode....