Gotta say, this is the chapter I have the most problems with. Medically and magically trained Shuna becomes a tailor? WHY?? Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she has to do Women Work. And I'm not 100% on why Rimuru needs a secretary, particularly at this pont in the story. There's other ways for Shion to better use her skills. Why is it that both women had to go into civilian work when Benimaru, Hakurou and Souhei stayed in the military (I have no idea where Kurobee ended up).
Oh, and can I just say that it bothers me how Shuna and Shion fight over Rimuru? When none of the guys do that? I know it's a wishfulfillment fantasy thing for straight guys. But can't the rest of us get some fanservice too? And by "Fanservice" I mean for a single good isekai to not have the MC's face smushed into a pair of giant tits on the regular.
And before you ask why I'm getting so upset over this: Slime has the potential to be so good! And the fanservice just. I still enjoy the series but. Ugh. I can't like Shion's character, and I wish things were different so I could.