So whats with that brief flashback panel? Did he know christie from somewhere in his past life? I thought he was reincarnated 100 years later than his death which considering he's 40 now would make anyone he knew from back then at least 140 years old.
Yeah, I wondered this too.
Either they met in his past life and he saved her and the whole reason she left the royal palace and became an adventurer was to search for him. Or they met when he was Girold before he became Guild Master and he saved her and she left the royal palace and became an adventurer to search for him. Either way she didn't get married or have a lover because of him.
My money is on the former because I feel like she would partially recognize him if it were his current self instead of his previous self. I don't think a time was mentioned of when it was his former life and his new life.
I guess it doesn't matter in the end as she is going to join in the harem