@Doomer depends on how old she was when she started working there, teenagers have poor impulse control, they might leave a sibling somewhere dangerous before thinking it through, and the slavers took them both at the edge of the property. Just one more step out, and she might have come to her senses.
@nylodale She had my sympathy until her first and only option was to steal a toddler and sell her as a slave. The author didn't even make her try other things just straight to crime.
What ever happened to that maids family? Her motivation was that her mother and little brother were being held hostage and she, a just 13 year old girl herself was told to kidnap the child she watched over to ensure the safety of her family. So now that the kidnapping failed and she's dead does that mean the mastermind behind the kidnapping killed her family or let them go?
@Mojo no. No one was keeping her family hostage, she was just in desperate need of money for her brothers medication so she kidnapped and sold mc for the money. (Really stupid move though tbh cuz I'm pretty sure she could have asked mcs family for help)
@lucalrrig She was an emotionally immature girl who was being manipulated emotionally. After all, what kind of criminal is too stupid to not emotionally manipulate their victims? Even scam emails do it.
You may think the logical next step is to look for help, but you don't always think logically under those conditions. Hannah was a victim too.