vigor changed to mental... hmm wonder if the intention is a mind and body type stat. could also be a TL fuck up from get go, but equally possible author forgot to fix it and it slipped by the editors too.
Alright i want to try to make a horny guess too
I predict old lady will turn out to be an ex manager of a whorehouse back on earth with plenty of xp in how to make people cum which will be massively valuable to MC
The nips are hers... they came from pics in the LN. Hard to march the placement exactly but the small black boxes ere a help in getting them in or or less the right spot. and remember, no 2 boobs.. even on the person, are exactly the same (heh)
something about the girls' faces are weird at times, like on page 2. i don't know if it's the mouth or eyes or they kind of seem more stretched out/elongated than normal. idk maybe im just imagining it
Been looking for more raws.. I don;t think it continued... was a cheesy series anyways but the light novel did well but it looks like the manga ver was.. killed.. unless someone else can see more raws