Well, it started off mildly funny about Yokoi cum sock fetish but... groping?!?
Fucking knew Ryunosuke would do something bad since the get go, there was something off about that piece of shit.
Saitou has learnt withstanding her urges to fight back irrationally, but to sexual assault is fine. She knew it was inappropriate.
Yokoi should knew something is off by Saitou wanting to murder Ryunosuke out of the blue, asking about his age (like it would matter tbh) and then "overwintering a disgusting feeling" with her look in the eyes, but he thought he was paranoid although he seen Ryunosuke being abusive to women.
Yokoi scored some points with the compliment but then...
major oof.
Hope this chapter wasn't just to show Saitou withstanding her violence, Ryunosuke need to be tied to a chair and getting tazed to his balls.