You know, I've wondered all along whether the author actually came up with one hundred different character types right from the start. I've tried to make a list of that many, but it's hard to do without many of them seeming pretty repetitive.
got more fanservice than i expected
1st maid clothes
2nd maids getting *wet*
3rd maids fighting as if they were body guards/ assassins (mei and nano combat)
4th hot rentarou on last page
@flxsemi omg, what do you know! it's like girls could also read harem manga??? the madness!! what comes next, girls watching porn? boys liking vanilla and wholesome hand holding???
fr though, your statement was just absurd
I seriously cannot comprehend what is going on in the mangaka's mind when creating this series. I expect the mangaka to win a full-on Noble Prize in Literature for this masterpiece of a series.