The Advanced Player of the Tutorial Tower - Vol. 1 Ch. 20


Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
"The End"
Well alright then cyah, good manhua, bye! xD
Apr 8, 2018
Scrolled the whole chapter to see some fodder characters get tossed around.
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
"I have slippers and I'm not afraid to use them."

BTW, I love your memes at the end of each chapter. Thanks for your hard work!
Feb 1, 2020

They may believe him or at the very least be ready for it.
The problem is can he completely trust them, he met them after 12 years and don't know how it has changed them.
Plus they aren't the strongest guild around, this disaster can easily be blamed on them by Ares if they ever opened their mouth that they knew it was going to happen, and the general public will happily follow along to blame them. And even if they don't get blamed for it, they would be expected to know when all such disasters take place and are there to fight it as some kind of heroes when even the largest guild isn't held up to the same standards. Basically, the public mules being fed people's praises and also expect others who don't like their prestige to sabotage them.

As for MC being self-absorbed/ selfish, you have said it yourself he saved plenty of people in the tower out of boredom. Would like to point out in flashbacks he was a ready and willing participant in facing dangers.

But don't you expect him to cope with the dangerous environment in some ways or he would be bonafide crazy or even commit suicide, plus after helping plenty of people and seeing he couldn't leave with them wouldn't an intelligent MC try to find some other way or do you just expect him to people all the time while he stays in the tower.

As for saying some Koreans are self-absorbed/selfish, what did you expect really? There are these kinds of people everywhere and there is no way to generalize them by race, sex, ethnicity or nationality.
I personally have met some really nice Koreans and some whom I won't feel any regret calling a-holes or piece of $h*t.

In conclusion, the MC never said he was a hero or saint as well as he is just learning everything about the outside world which has dramatically changed after 12 years of improvement in tech and magic, and a new political climate. Him doing thinks cautiously while making sure his enemies under-estimate them is far better than some story where the MC is ready to put his life on the line for someone he just met a second ago due to some hero complex while not thinking ahead.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
The chapter was super short, but at least we had the fun little translator comic at the end to look forward to!
Active member
Mar 12, 2020
@Kuyu Wait, don't western are more self-absorbed and selfish with all that individualism thing?
Aug 28, 2020
@lovolo While the west has certainly devolved into a selfish, self-absorbed, narcissistic, materialist cesspit, the cause is not entirely to blame on individualism and more to do with social media, nihilism, and hedonism. Individualism is about improving yourself so that you may take pride and responsibility for yourself and your actions. The idea being that if you become the best person you can be, then you can take responsibility for safety and well-being of your family, and to a greater extent society. Though the argument can be made that individualism leads to hedonism, the same way capitalism leads to crony-capitalism, and socialism to communism to mass-murder. The more I read about history, the more I realize the importance of religion, which is funny because I grew up christian and rebelled around 9 years old, and hated religion for using fear to fuel faith. But the notion that the west is selfish really only arose fairly recently with the rise of the atheist movement and the fall of religion, in the late 2000's. Before then, the culture of the west was known to put family above all, and with that comes putting the stability of society very high too. Of course, much like my rebellion around 9yo, the cause of the atheistic movement was a severe and much needed backlash to the moral authoritarianism of religions at the time. But not to worry, as the feminists & atheists have taken it upon themselves to become the new moral authority, causing another backlash and making religion somewhat cool again. It should right itself within the decade, here's hoping we don't end up in WW3, or swing back to religion too hard again.

Also yes, I'm autistic I know
Nov 10, 2018
Damn artist chapters get shorter and shorter...

And why is the mc so late he knew it would happen and where... author just wanted to pull some bullshit of hero comes in the last moment to save everyone 😱
Aggregator gang
May 12, 2020
There are is so much garbage in this chapter to point out, I just don't know where to begin.

So I won't.

But the panel with him swooping in to save the day with his hands in his pockets and a bored look on his face pisses me the hell off.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
Forget warning people, how the FUCK was HE late? He had a fucking timer.
Jul 24, 2020
He better have a damn good reason for being late. Like don't get me wrong I'm enjoying how morally grey he is overall but to not be there from the jump is baffling.

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