@Tatsumaikyoku Just to let you know, you have something like four minutes to edit your comment before it shows up as having been edited. If it's for issues like typos, I doubt that anyone would fault you for "changing" your comment. I, personally, would not.
"it's also about experience" Despite how people may think that experiences are often individual, some experiences are actually widely shared. That's because certain things are very common to the human experience, not just the individual experience. Refer back to the taste of soap. You might have someone who has never had soap in their mouth in their life. They know nothing about it. However, if they were to try it even once, they almost certainly would find it unpleasant. That's because of how taste is. Again, yes, taste is generally personal and individual. You might like X while I hate it. Despite the fact that taste is often individual and based on experience, some things with taste are still commonly shared. It's similar here. I'm saying that even though a decision of whether something is sympathetic is usually individual, sometimes, it can be generally accepted and understood by the majority.
Let me say this in a different way. Why? People find things sympathetic *for reasons*. Yes, people can and often do have different reasons. However, a lot of the time, those reasons overlap. I am using what I believe are generally accepted reasons to say that Peruan should not be considered sympathetic. It was one statement one time. He had a lot of praise from other people. He is still gifted. Etc. I explained my reasons before.
Yes, you may have different reasons when you decide whether something is sympathetic or not. However, I am trying to say that for these reasons that many people usually have, he should not be considered sympathetic. Yes, you can still disagree. But then my response is that you're not my intended audience. You have reasons that differ from what I'm saying.
That was all a bad explanation, but hopefully it made some sense.