The Archmage's Daughter - Ch. 9

Jul 31, 2019
i just read a few but scrolling back up to write in the comment,,, oOF rykell saying he wont hunt monsters anymore because now there's maybelle in the house is really sweet ;;;;;;
Double-page supporter
Feb 5, 2018
There’s a couple monsters I wish he would hunt...
Mar 11, 2019
I’m relieved to know that Rykell at least tried to look for her. It supports him being nice to her because I must admit that it seemed to come out of nowhere at first
Active member
Jan 29, 2018
Oh boy, Rykell ain't gonna be pleased to see why his daughter didn't show up for lunch.
Jul 30, 2019
Aaaaaaah, I am curious!
So the father said he could go to her if she didn't look for him, why? Some kind of curse?
Active member
Feb 27, 2019
another one.. poor girl. did he heal her to hide which poison it was?
there is only excuses to this whole bunch of adults torturing her like this.
the fact she hasn't become dark and traumatized is a surprise. i would have become extremely afraid of people by now.
the kid has no fault in all their bullshit, even to her father excuse, so what if you went and 'visited'... it was the same of not going anyway, she didn't met you (emotional support), and you didn't even stop the dumb torturing (indirect care).
she wasn't even eating well and having her basic needs covered. to be fair her life so far was as great as if you have thrown her into a jungle. the only difference would be the type of snake she would have get used to.
at the beginning i really thought this one would be sweet and all, but in a way this is so dark. i pity her, i really do. generally when someone suffers at least they know a bit why, but she is a lost kitten being kicked around. everything looked great, a family, a home and being rich... and even now when she felt more safe. but below the brilliance is the reality where humans treat her like a street cat they don't want.
Active member
Sep 30, 2018
o_O looks like there’s a reason y mage dad didn’t or rather, couldn’t, look for his lovely daughter, even if he wanted to.
I’m so curious now, why? And is there a reason y or mc can’t use magic? Even when everyone else seemed so sure she could or would?
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 3, 2019
Refusing to follow her father when he wants to show her something doesn't seem to be an option for our MC...
Active member
May 11, 2018
i wouldnt say she isnt traumatized. she flinches at everyone, shes got zero self-esteem, and is unsure what to do even when her dad (who i think by this point she understands isnt hostile to her) gives her his hand to grab onto.

she's basically been abused so badly she wouldnt function in society, let alone noble society.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
I will remain suspicious towards Bellerophon until proven otherwise. for now he is a a shady, scheming person.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
With Bellerophon's reaction to her admitting she can not use magic (finally) I get the feeling some things she has done/triggered require she has the talent needed. Though from Rykell's comments about he door/portal at the beginning I think just stepping through that requires a certain level of talent, and I would not be surprised if the house and its wards require a certain level to just enter it.

Every chapter I get more convinced that the reason she can not use magic is that the foster mother (who it sounds like is her aunt) did a horrible job teaching her the fundamentals, and likely (possibly subconsciously from resentment to having to teach someone who is not her child, but I doubt it) sabotaged her education.
Jun 13, 2019
So does her power need to be activated? Is that what happened when that symbol showed up on her hand? Is she fainting due to the herb or her abilities awakening?
Apr 16, 2019
@sjmcc13 It's also possible that the aunt's way of teaching magic is not good for her. Like she needs to be taught differently. Maybe she needs a certain tool?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@moonlight00 oh she's traumatized alright, just into a flinching/hiding sort of defense rather than the lashing out pushing type.

As far as dear old dad, he seems to have his hands tied somehow. He's clearly barely functional when it comes to sapient interaction, but he's already demonstrated an eagerness to spoil his daughter and a few other clear signs of the classical dangerously doting Daddy.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@Darkmint13 : that would be covered under doing a horrible job teaching. You adapt your lessons to the audience, especially when it is an audience of one, what little we see in ch 1 feels like she put next to no effort into connecting with the MC. I also expect she put extra effort into teaching her spawn from the start (probably starting his education earlier as well), neglecting the MC to do so, and a difference in effort is a large part of why he is a "genius" while she was a failure.

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