Thanks for the laugh kind stranger.The count's name is Riden? Is his first name Bed? 🤔
This can go both the hentai and wholesome route. Could have just summoned that woman we saw in the flashback,[ Black formless goo pours out of the magic circle ]
...I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going. I hope you are okay with frisky magic goo inserting a psedopod or two in your ass.
Buddeh we got the backstory of elf hero bro, built relationship with elf queen, left the village, and healed the count. This was not a short chapter, we can't complain about it just jumping from cliff to cliffMan I sure do love The Archmage's Cliffhanger. It's such a good manga
Based on what we’ve seen I think that woman is his mother. I believe we’ll take a third optionThis can go both the hentai and wholesome route. Could have just summoned that woman we saw in the flashback,
Nah thats fowlThe count's name is Riden? Is his first name Bed? 🤔