So, has stepping on flowers become the new "kicking the puppy"? He's so evil, he goes out of his way to pick a flower, and deflower it! Then steps on it! /faints
So does no writer know how children work. At this kids age we should be happy he's walking more than a few feet before falling on his face and crying for a few hours. And after that if the child goes outside it wanders why is this place not my house. If a child saw another child before the age of socializing at schools, it would think "why is this strange looking adult not doing whatever I want it to do" because babies don't understand the concept of others unless they are cursed with siblings.
Not really, maybe that kid's dad keeps talking about marriage to his older sibling and the kid overhears it, thinking "that sounds cool if my brother/sister is doing it, I wanna do it too" or something like that
that possible explanation makes sense to me at least XD