Ok so
1. Why isnt anyone commanding the heroes
2. I need more info before deciding who is in the wrong
3. I like how before the betrayal they showed how little Lyle cared about MC
4. I like antagonists that are just scum, but do you know what i like more? Antagonists with good goals but with heavy emotional damage leaving them unable to see the difference between right and wrong, an antagonist you pity and feel bad for but dont want to die
Like Doofenschmirtz from Phineas and Ferb
5. I want more fantasy manga to look into the emotional trauma and mental sickness that exist in a fantasy world, like someone unable to stand up for and defend themselves simply because they were never taught so, or a person that despite obiously being cared about, suffers from crppling depression, and not that fake shit but real depression, they try and hide it too because "why would they even care", or maybe someone that grew up in the woods without language adapting to a new world filled with people like them, or what about a person that suffers from ptsd, like maybe an old veteran from a war with a limb missing, or what about simply a person with extreme trust issues, there are so many interesting possibilities with mental disorders and the like
But it most likely wont happen since the fantasy genre is where you go when you want to escape reality, me too, but i really, really want to see more MC's with mental disorders in fantasy