Man, I feel really bad for the MC. Meeting people who either treats him like trash or just wants to use him. The head researcher seems super suspicious, Sara (the white haired researcher) is somewhat likable but she's still under orders of the organization so she'll try her best to tie him down, and Jayoung (red haired girl) is super insensitive and judgmental right off the bat. Not an enjoyable cast of characters so far around the MC. Now it seems like he's being tested by one of the butterflies too through the power of illusions.
It really puts it into perspective why MC's "sister" Heena tried to take him out and protect him from them. If you really think about it, isn't it the fault of this organization why bugs have become violent in the first place? They literally used a chemical bomb to kill an apparently non-violent bug at the start which then broke apart into smaller bugs that became violent later due to the chemicals. I wished this kid decided to leave this organization because they seem up to no good. But he's so starved for love that he's just heading straight first into danger if it meant he could garner other's affection. That's just sad.