I've been binge reading it, this is the first time I checked for comments.
- Summary: Okay, sounds like "I'm a hot vampire princess!" trash.
- Then I read it, and surprise! MC is a pretty standup guy. He's a little stubborn, but he can learn.
- Relationship between Ji Bai and Bai Ji seems pretty well done.
- Okay, it's pretty readable. Nothing groundbreaking, but easy binge.
- Lore is fairly interesting. Complicated god/race politics and warfare. Hard to pick a "right" path in this mess.
- Though "Lets slaughter our fellow humans in order to uplift humanity" is clearly wrong.
- And I generally can't figure out what their plan was. E.g. summoning third order being was going to help... how??
- And now we're well into "this should be solved if you just talked to each other long ago" area.
- And the the MC just barges stupidly into one thing after another, then only advances thanks to the author handing him a mcguffin. E.g. the keymaster showing up right when he needs a key, or getting an invite, then having ancient sword guy figure the password out, then having the sword spirt show up to explain a new ability to him... Again and again. It's an endless stream of plot devices.
And if it goes downhill from here... /facepalm.