This chapter feels very different than how the manga usually operates, but i definitely look forward to seeing where it will lead.
Also, Zoe wanting to join the phone conversation with her boyfriend is fuckin adorable.
(That's only half of why i rushed to comment, though. Despite that sharp veer in tone at the end, i still feel like i just
have to post this...
Also, RE: the poll
@sayonarakissmanga, obviously 1 looks fantastic, but I'm well aware of how much time and effort that can take, so I'll be perfectly content getting subtitles (so to speak) like 3. Ignoring sfx entirely can be fine in certain situations, such as when the sound is obvious (like a sfx next to a gun firing is
probably "bang", i can usually figure that out lol), but especially when there are multiple things going on getting a little clarification makes reading a lot more satisfying. So my vote officially goes for 3, perhaps with 1 as an occasional special treat whenever you have the time & energy for it lol. Thanks for all of your work so far!