Thanks for the chapter! The minute they said Udo's power is to control blood, I thought that'd be a terrifying power on a battlefield, with blood flowing everywhere. Goddamn, it really is fucking terrifying!

I really like the perspective Udo brings to the table, about considering other people's lives. Great way to show that Lucas has been growing, but he still has more growing left to do!
The Pope's mirror did make me think of one thing: if it can open a portal to where you've been, why not give it to Miura, who's from Normandy, to instantly go there? I suppose he really wants to conserve the charges as much as possible, and thought it wouldn't be too hard to get in anyway.
Meanwhile, the Garland is getting all the wrong advice about the worth of human life.
I feel bad for her. Not in a way that excuses her, because she has literally killed MILLIONS, and there's no coming back from that, I feel bad because she probably could have turned out differently, if it weren't for the people around her. She's bratty, but I don't get the feeling she's an evil person. She's just being raised to be ruthless and cruel by her father. And she is learning it, we can see it in her thoughts. Right now she's a 13 year old doing whatever gets her approval from the adult in her life.
That last part really shows how easy it is to not think about the suffering you cause when you don't have to do it with your own hand.