The Child Loved by God - Ch. 9

Double-page supporter
Nov 22, 2019
There's a lot of anger in this thread for a manga about a kid becoming god's favourite person and being OP with cute spirit animals.

I'm glad the pope remained the pope. :)

Thanks for the update!


Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
This was definitely written by a 10 year old lmaoooo
Jan 23, 2018
@Ultrabenosaurus I read it more that she's a complete child mentally. She's kept in her little tower, told she's equal to God by all of her followers, and given whatever she wants. I don't see her as "bad" so much as completely and utterly spoiled, and believing she truly is above everything. Who wouldn't, if they spent their life being told as much?

I have no doubt she'll become friends with the child, and they'll end up straightening out her personality. She'll be a good character, if I'm correct.
May 10, 2018
@RowanSpirit so what you're saying is that she has a learning disability, she's mentally unstable, and she has been brainwashed into believing she's practically a god? And the entire religion / government somehow allowed that sort of dangerous person to reach the top? And you still don't think there's anything wrong with that? You still think she is a good person capable and deserving the role of pope?

The only way to "straighten out her personality" and redeem her would be a heavy dose of bullshit AKA magical shota's naive abstract wish somehow getting fulfilled in the most convenient way and brainwashing her into being nice. Regardless of the fact that in any sort of world that actually makes sense, she would be imprisoned for life or executed for literally trying to enslave the servants of god and then causing a war against another kingdom that killed thousands.
Jan 23, 2018
@Ultrabenosaurus Wow, you went a little far, huh? I never said she's mentally unstable, or that she has a learning disability. I just said that she's spent her whole life being told she's pretty much only second to God, and has been given everything she even kind of wanted.

Do you really think that you can't help tweens who've been spoiled by their parents?
May 10, 2018
@RowanSpirit well she has elf blood, so it's fair to assume she ages more slowly than humans; the fact she looks like a young woman by human standards could mean she's anywhere from several decades to over a hundred years old, depending on the lifespan of elves in this world. She's also only part elf and there is clear discrimination against elves in that religious country and half-breeds in general, so she would have gone through significant hardships and worries about hiding her true identity all her life. That she's a half-elf also means it's incredibly unlikely she was selected and groomed since childhood to become pope, especially as such positions are highly coveted and not simply handed out in organisations as corrupt and violent as that religion seems to be - why would they put so much effort into raising a young girl to be pope when they can put effort into taking that position for themselves?

I can't think of any other reasonable explanation for your theory about her having the mentality of a child at her age, other than having a learning disability that affects her mental age and / or being mentally unstable which prevents her from developing a sane, mature personality.

Also, I know a lot of people spoiled rotten by their parents. I don't suspect any of them to actually be capable of enslaving sentient beings or instigating genocidal wars against other races because they didn't get a new toy. This girl is way beyond "tweens who've been spoiled by their parents".
Jan 23, 2018
@Ultrabenosaurus We don't actually know how they select the pope, or how long she's been in that position. We also don't know how quickly or slowly elves mature emotionally, or how old she truly is. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see. :)
May 10, 2018
@RowanSpirit I kind of agree with you on that: we don't know anything. Because this author is on drugs and the entire story and all the characters so far make zero fecking sense. But I don't agree that "we" will have to wait and see, because I won't be reading any more of this train wreck.

If you actually enjoy it, I hope it stays enjoyable for you.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2019
This is confusing as hell. IDK what to think about this story now. Pope is now suddenly a good girl who knows nothing. She was a villian kind of character just a couple of chapters before. 80 year old man still trying the cute act. :x
Double-page supporter
Sep 29, 2018
this story goes to left field so often, it might as well stay there.
the boy is a "new" god of this world, is loved by the holy beasts, can see the corruption in ones soul, and "purify" it, maybe.
can see through magical illusions to see the disguised half-elf pope
cast magic just by thinking about it, this is a massive power trip
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
Remember 5 chapters ago when the highlight was MC making friends with another kid and saved his sister from dying?

Good times.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
wasn't... wasn't she evil... what the hell afljksdlkj i just picked this up and started reading it... WHAT A TRIP

well, thank you for translating this!! i guess i'll... read on???

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