The Conqueror From a Dying Kingdom - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - A Distant War

Double-page supporter
May 13, 2020
just a nerd passing by.
so what are they discussing on page 27-29 is basically something called "Euclid's theorem of infinity prime numbers"

so Saim is wondering if prime numbers would keep going because the way she saw it, the gap between prime number are keep getting wider and wider the further the number goes. and why the fuck a 5 years old girl would even pondering about such a thing? it's just a phase.

so the MC is basically explaining it like.


the formula is basically that you're multiplying any prime number that you know, and then add 1 to the sum of it. using this formula would resulting in either P or Q
P is basically means: if you get a prime number as the end result. then that means you're multiplying ALL of the prime number in the correct order, since 31 is a prime number that means you got all of the first 3 prime number correct in equation

Q is basically means: if the end number wasn't a prime, that means the divisible of the sum would show you the prime number that you missed. 931 isn't a prime number since it's divisible by 7, 19, 49, & 133. which 2 of them are prime number which wasn't part of the equation.

this formula weren't meant to solve anything, but by the construct of it this formula prove that you could ALWAYS find a new prime number as long as you multiply all of them and add it by 1. thus why it's called theorem of infinity prime number.

you can google it if you want a further explanation, but this is basically the gist of it.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Thank you very much for translating this, ObsessionX!

I was holding myself back on reading the LN since there's not much of it translated yet. Cheers!
What are you talking about. It is already full 4 volumes translated and will be 5th volume translation done in 3 weeks. In original I think there are 6 volumes so English translation releases goes pretty close to Japanese releases.
Double-page supporter
Feb 3, 2019
I like the birds. And one of them even bowed!

Thanks for the translation!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2020
What are you talking about. It is already full 4 volumes translated and will be 5th volume translation done in 3 weeks. In original I think there are 6 volumes so English translation releases goes pretty close to Japanese releases.
Where, praytell might these translations be located?

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