The Crossdressing Boy Who Wanted to Try Attending Class in a Sailor Uniform - Ch. 1 - The Crossdressing Boy Who Wanted to Try Attending Class In a Sa…

Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
I expected a cute oneshot... instead its just realistic, no?
Mar 12, 2019
Deviant behavior should not be normalized, doesn't matter if it isn't harmful.
And social norms supersede your morals.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
@skciD Why are you so negative,
Why do you call people deviants.
Why do you intend on being the morality police when no one asked
Why do keep being around when no one asked
answer: go, away. stop gas lighting.
Mar 12, 2019
The only thing I'm negative about is crossdressing in public.
You should look up the definitions of the words you use.
I'm not gas lighting anyone and deviants literally just means "a person or action generally considered unusual and unacceptable"
Which fits crossdressing in public perfectly.

I don't need your permission to give my opinion on something and if someone @'s me, I'll reply.
I'm not lurking in the comment section waiting for a reply, if that's what you're implying.

Did you just assume my gender?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019
Crossdressing only unacceptable in public when the crossdressers are only want to fulfill their sexual desire and doing something strange.
It's not unacceptable when they are just want being cute or pretty or just want being themselves, which is obviosly the case in this one shot.
If they are behave good there's nothing wrong about it and I don't think people generally will care that much.
Mar 12, 2019
crossdressing IS something strange and usually done for sexual gratification.
If crossdressing in public was acceptable, mangas like this wouldn't exist.
and there wouldn't be a stigma against it
when your entire identity relies on you having to crossdress in public, you got a problem and need help, not a dress.

in some places they still are.
but you're really comparing crossdressing to the exploitation and murder of humans?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019
That's what I said, if they are not doing it for their sexual gratification and acting strange or behave nasty then who has the right to call them out? it's not like they are intentionally wearing very little to a point people can almost see their bulge or they are showing their genitals in public.
If they nor doing all these then the problem is the people who criticize not the crossdressing individual, and those bigotry people should update their information first.
Mar 12, 2019
You clearly haven't read my post if you think we're saying the same thing.
Read the first sentence of my previous post again, that covers everything.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019
And I've already said Crossdressing is not strange nor it should be against by social standard. as long as the crossdresser doesn't do something out of hand. and even if some crossdressers are doing it due to the "Deviant behavior", if they are not causing trouble to others you should still stop taking shit to them, it's not anyone's business.
Also, you are try to imply that all crossdressers are only doing it for sexual gratification, stop it, you are making false accusation out of nowhere.
Mar 12, 2019
If it wasn't strange or abnormal, there wouldn't be a social stigma against it.
Just because you think something should be a certain way, doesn't mean everyone agrees.
And luckily for me, society seems to agree with my side on this.
When did I say or imply all crossdressers did it for sexual gratification?
Most of them do, which is also why it shouldn't be allowed in public.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019
Then you give me the evidence about "most of them do", and tell me how many people's on your side, otherwise you are just making false accusation. social stigma also is something change time to time and even in different countries it isn't the same. it isn't everything and shouldn't be used to against someone who doesn't cause troble, and our society obviously wasn't always work that way otherwise we will only limited our possibility. and if some people do, then the problem is them not the good behavior crossdressers.

You are just think things in your own way and acting like you can decide for everyone's thinking, you are not that great you are just being ignorant.
Mar 12, 2019
i can't give you exact numbers but it's safe to assume that the majority of society is on my side, because again, otherwise there wouldn't be such a stigma against it.
yes it can change over time, in the past it has been practiced but that doesn't mean it's acceptable now.
fighting back against the normalization of something abnormal is human, rejecting deviant change is normal.
do you really think stopping dudes from wearing dresses limits humanity's potential in any way?
because i know from history that degeneracy is a bad thing for a society.
the slippery slope is real and actually happening.

nice ad hominem, let me return the favor.
of course everyone has their own opinion about everything, is that strange to you?
clearly you want to decide what I should be thinking.
do you even know what ignorant means, or are you just spewing buzzwords at me that you've read on reddit?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019
You seem like someone who only want put things in the simplest way when in reality it can't and think you solved something.(lock them in the closet and pretending they don't exist)

It's not limited humanity's potential it's limited people's desire to being themselves, like I said social standard isn't everything, it can't apply to everyone/countries/society because everyone is different, by doing restricted everyone's will to being themselves just because it's "now" less accepted even though it isn't something that will cause troble will not only hurt people's trust to each other but risk the waste of some people's future potential, and I'm not only talking about crossdressing I'm talking about anything that's not wrong yet people still against it.

And you only reply you can't give exact numbers of how many people on your side( which you should), you didn't give any example of how "most of them do" either, so I'm safe to assume you made such claim out of your own prejudice plus you even described crossdressers as degeneracy which shows very much of what a person you are.
Jun 7, 2018
Everytime I click a comment section on a oneshot in this genre I always see some moronic argument

Like how do you say “yeah what the majority thinks is always right” with a straight face? Has history not had enough examples showing that sometimes, society is wrong.

Yeah sure skciD, slavery is obviously more wrong then crossdressing, but thats not the point, the point is that society once thought it was ok, so by your logic, slavery was good. When someone confronts you on this, you go off topic and don’t answer the question, you KNOW you’re wrong, you’re just immature and dont want to admit it.

Hey man, Im just using my brain and wanted to say my opinion, so ignore me.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2020
Oh no no no no, those suckers are having a serious discussion in a crossdressing manga

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