pen on notebook / front left guy went from frowning to smiling / volleyball to soccer ball / back left girls phone case became pocadots / front right girls hand / position of the splatter on Ichikawa's notebook
Yamadas jacket looks more open but maybe that's just my eyes playing tricks on me / something under her right eye, maybe a mole?
She's the wife that would tease him to make him conscious about everything 24/7.
Also, I can't tell if that's illustrator or photoshop (probably the later but I prefer Illustrator myself) but I gotta admit that's some attention to detail regardless
>hand bottom right girl
>pen missing top right book
>different ball top left
>different colors top left circle
>different phone case
>different amount of buttons for the guy to the left
>guy with shaved hair smiling
>different pattern notebook
>longer skirt for girl next to girl with phone
Anything we missed? got 9 so far so should be 1 more
papers on the board is slightly further to the left
I believe the first ever doujin for this series I can find in the usual places is one where Yamada penetrates Ichikawa (she got a penis). The other doujin is some other guy doing it, in an NTR situation. Not even in doujinland does Ichikawa score.