even then why is everyone with that skin tone? even if everyone didn't have brown tone, various people would have different skin tones? or since i don't know alot about Middle East culture, theres a region in india where people have a more of a pacific Asian sorta skin tone and they were either revered or ostracized by people because of the pale skin. and they lived in an entire community by themselves. it's kinda blatant-ish pushed-under-the-cover racism. the only darker people ive seen are like a couple, like sml and the monarch. i guessed that could be enough representation of color, but just saying the creator researched the cities structures in oman and definitely researched part of the culture for the outfits, so why not incorporate the skin color? now the emperor could have that skin tone cause hes mixed(the eye color and blond hair would have to be a really really hella hard coincidence of a mutation), but what about everyone else. wouldn't most the people in this webtoon be darker, like the guards? why does most the civilization look white, when it should be the other way around? also what about headpiece (selimi i think) that most monarchs wear? literally only the background characters actually represent the religion and practice carried out by the people. the creator sorta did a half-assed job representing something that plays a huge role in arabian culture. just kinda weird