The Duchess' Lewd Invitation - Ch. 5

Aug 30, 2020

It depends the reason of the unhappiness, sometimes sex can fix a marriage and improves communication between the parties.

Almost every problem can be solve in bed.
Fed-Kun's army
May 11, 2020
yeah that's her husband alright.
damn, i wish she find better man

@otomefreak it's alright, your username say it all. i too want her to be happy.
Oct 12, 2020

That is a nice fantasy you hold. While sex is very important, it's not a panacea for every problem.
However, the main prerequisite for a scenario where sex can support a relationship, is for a relationship to exist in the first place.

The main characters in this story do not have a relationship. Just because they are married on paper, it doesn't mean that they have a relationship.
The ML got roped into marrying her by an imperial order. MC got told to do it by her family.
ML isolated her, impoverished her, and abandoned her until she agreed to sign the divorce papers.
MC was unwilling to divorce, not because she gives a damn about the ML, but because she knew her family would sell her off like livestock as soon as the divorce was formalised.
So after experiencing what it feels like to be destitute, she conceded to agree, on the condition of being allowed to have a lover.

She wouldn't even have been "cheating" to begin with, because again, they did not have a relationship to cheat on.
All she wanted to do, was indulge in some extreme escapism where she could experience an actually satisfying sex life, before she inevitably gets sold off to some old geaser in dire need of a heir or daughter.
She's so starved for affection she's literally crying at the chance to actually have a more exciting physical experience than what she has experienced so far.

I don't know about you, but a marriage that only makes people miserable, emotionally stunted, and desperate, does not qualify as a good marriage in my book.
Aug 30, 2020
It's not a fantasy, but we are allowed to think based on our experiences.

A relationship isn't just narrowed to being in love, being married is a relationship itself, even if there's no love and they just screw each other.

At the end of the day, it's his money and her family ruined his reputation using her as an excuse and he doesn't love her. Why does he have to deal with her then? He already stated that he wanted a divorce, it doesn't really matter if she wants it or not in that time period. In modern society, if a party wants a divorce, they do anything in their power to force the other person to sign, that's what he did.

Even though he agreed to let her have a lover, it didn't mean that he wouldn't have sex with her again. Meaning, after they had sex that time, while he was pretending to be a stranger, she could look for another man.

Having a lover is cheating, arranged marriage or not, love or not, it's cheating. I understand that she was jelous about the amazing sex life of her friends and the orgasms and everything, but I don't think it really matter who it was at the end of the day if she managed to have the sex she was looking for, and she did.

Being sold off to a nice family it's the way they live and she fully understand it and is prepared to deal with that, she just wanted to have a good time but, wouldn't this all be her family's fault? He didn't want to have anything to do with her because of how her family where behaving and using his relationship with her as a stepstone for doing whatever they wanted.

We are not talking about good marriages, we talking about the general concept of marriage.
Broken things can be fixed if we try hard enough.

Oct 12, 2020

So, if he wants to divorce it's ok, because he can.
But she can't have a lover because it would be cheating, and a broken marriage can be fixed?


I'm pretty sure I'm not talking about marriage in general, but of the marriage between these two particular, fictional people, and whether it would be worth saving...
Aug 30, 2020

Of course, if someone wants to divorce it's in all their right.
Especially if the family of your partner is messing up with you.

She can have a lover, but it doesn't dismiss the fact that she's cheating.

Yes, a broken marriage can be fixed and yes, I'm talking about marriage in general.
But for a marriage to be broken, don't they have to try to have a marriage first?

We are no one to judge if a marriage is worth saving or not, just the parties involved.
And because they're fictional people doesn't mean it makes anything less valid.
The only real difference is that the environment is different.
Nov 28, 2020
I think I just don’t like this plot lol. I don’t like him and at first I didn’t like her, but that turned into an uncomfortable feeling for her. She pretty much has never been loved and is desperately craving (a.k.a thirsty af) for decent sex for fill that void. I mean, she is seen as horny all the time lol. This is so weird!
May 12, 2019
If we're supposed to be rooting for them, the author better make it so the husband repents for treating her so poorly. It's not her fault her family is full of scumbags who invoke his name to get away with crimes.
Nov 12, 2020
Well if he really hate his wife's family that much, just kill them all and enjoy life with his wife. Sounds better than avoiding the wife who do nothing wrong, just come from the bad family.
Jul 16, 2019

OH YEAHHH, i completely forgot that he would rape her and use under the pretence of fulfilling her duty as a wife, i guess. Thanks for reminding me
Aug 15, 2020
@hazeyln ugh what are you smoking? How the fuck is she cheating on him when he has divorced her? Or do women need to belong to their ex for life?

She was a faithful wife for all the marriage no matter how repressed she was sexually, she did not even cheat when she was being starved under pretest of being divorced

The moment she signed those papers was the moment she was SINGLE WOMAN. She can fuck whoever the hell she wants too, she and husband both signed divorce papers annulling their marriage to go back being single partners and even if you want to drag the divorce not yet approved so she is still his wife argument, cheating is done behind back, not in your face with your consent, thats cuckholdery which our ml seems to fantastic at - being a cuck.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2020
Thanks for the chappy!

honestly, the second i realized what kinda society this was, i woulda killed myself if there wasnt a faraway nation i could emigrate to
Jul 13, 2020
what a mess, FL's whole deal is pitiful. I wouldn't wanna be a woman here either

also biiiig Yikes @ defending the (ex)husband.
according to the world this story's set up, FL is property. she'd be entirely dependent on the husband, with little to no rights herself. so when he took her from her family, he assumed responsibility for her, responsibilities which he has neglected tenfold, going so far as to rape and try to starve her. its like he got a dog he didn't want and locked it in the basement, except its a human fucking being.

besides the fact that they're divorced, "cheating" assumes equal footing, mutual trust, and duty to one another. the husband offered NONE of that to her, so why should she???
Jan 25, 2020
Wait, isn't this the husband?? So similar? 🤨 was he always a part of this?? Did he set this up? Thank you for the chap!❤
May 13, 2020
That was an incredibly unsexy sex scene for me! Boobs pinching...

@Hazeyln wow, that's a voice from parallel Universe!
- Sex may solve sexual frustration, not "almost everything" in marriage. In real life, if your partner you depend on is starving you, sex with him/her will most probably traumatize you even more. Those hot fights ->hot sex-> repeat relationships are good only in soap operas.
- FL having sex with a lover could be counted as formally cheating, but she got her divorce papers signed, so it's not. As for real cheating - you can't cheat on someone you don't have a real connection with.
- You speaking about marriage as if it has some worth on its own. It doesn't. Marriage has value only if married people are happier, so not every marriage is worth saving.
Nov 1, 2020
What the fuck 😀 not only is the art style scary, where their bones are being crushed 24/7 but also the script is cringey as fuck 👩🏽‍💻 I can’t read this anymore, it looked like the artist was trying to do a sexy scene and an emotional scene combined but it just turned out awkward.

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