I'm gonna pass this just on Mari alone. She's a bit too happy go luck for me. It felt a bit dumb for attempted genocide. I would understand if she said she didn't care about revenge and wants witches to just live their lives, but to want witches to be friends with past killers of your people and your current oppessers?
It would make a bit of sense if it's been a long time since they were forced into the shadows and this generation doesn't feel the effects of the attempted genocide as much. But if it was that damn long why haven't they taken revenge yet?? I'm pretty sure by now you've got plenty of witches to overthrow a kingdom and if not just work together with another kingdom's witches to overthrow both. Then make your own kingdom of witches.(This can be cleared with a simple, humans got item that tracks all witches and stops their magic, like a shock collar but then Mari would literally be so damn ignorant for that answer)
If the attempted genocide of witches was recent then Mari is really fucking dumb to suggest to be "friends" with people that prob still wanna kill witches.
I know that this is long prob over analyzed take, so sorry for my 3 am shower thoughts.