The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

Apr 7, 2019
Im really looking forward to this series but lmao at the name translations.... You can get Neuschwanstein but not Johannes??
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2018
Look we obviously don't know the full picture yet, but she's supposed to be this genius, and she can't predict how the children will behave toward a woman that took their dying father's attention? She got rejected by CHILDRENS and gave up.

In this chapter she said she haven't been able to date due to her work, but in the previous chapter the eldest child accuse her of taking tons of lovers, we don't know what exactly happen, but her reaction is to tell him to fuck off instead of explaining shit. For a supposedly genius, she's acting like a brat toward literal children. No wonder they all hate her.
Jan 27, 2019
Thank you for the chapter!! I’m really looking forward to what’s going to happen next!!
Jul 7, 2018
Someone who is a genius does not make them genius at everything else, like people skills.

Besides, chapter 1 kind of tells you what's going on. From day one, the children refused to listen to her. The youngest children still mourned for their real mother and refused to accept her as their new mother. She still believed she can work it out. 2nd child seems to have bullied her. She starts to lose hope in having all the children accept her. 1st child, the eldest, accused of her of many things and said that if it wasn't for her, their father would have requested to see his children on his death bed instead of her. She lost all hope to become close to the children. Even then, she continues to full fill her duty to protect them even when she was a child herself when she started, basically being sold off by her own family AND mocked for her aspirations.

In that same chapter 1, after some time had passed, the children finally realized their mistakes with their assumptions about her. "We were wrong! Let's go apologize now!" But it was too late as she had already died. It's truly tragic. If she had continue to try, maybe the outcome would have been different. If the children have tried to understand her, maybe the outcome would have been different. But tragically, they're all children. And even more tragically is that one of the children, her, have to take upon such a burden at such a young age.

EDIT: OH! Apparently there is a novel, which is the source. The manga's prologue and chapter 1 is basically the novel's prologue. Here's basically the written summary of the prologue in the novel. And it's basically what I wrote but with a lot more details as to what happened. Regarding her relationships with other men that her son hated her for, apparently she did to use those people to protect the household. Damn, that really, really sucks for her. I guess reading chapter 3 kind of makes sense. Her children hates her but it seems like other the butlers and maids seems to actually understand her and were worried. They knew she's not a terrible person and it was all done to protect the household.
EDIT2: Don't read the rest of the comments unless you're ok with spoilers for future chapters.
Group Leader
Apr 13, 2019
Thankyou so much for the chapter! I’m loving this sm <3 <3
Active member
Jun 14, 2018
@luminary Why is she supposed to be a genius? I don't get why you make a conclusion and have the impression that she is a genius (but anyway, genius is just a matter of IQ. Dealing with people is different as it needs another type of intelligent called Emotional Quotient. That's why many genius people who just spend time by themselves, become a nerd, have high IQ but low EQ, even worse they have 0 social skills).

And you said she is acting like a brat? Didn't you read? She literally was a child herself!!! She is around the same age as the first son (maybe 2-3 years older).

Now imagine yourself in her position. You, as a kid yourself (imagine yourself when you were 16 years old), suddenly got sold off by your parents, suddenly got married, suddenly became a widow, suddenly become a mother, suddenly have 4 children who despise you, never listen to you, and bully you whenever they can. Those kids are hostile towards her. On top of that, you are alone, abandoned by your family, have no one to rely on, but you have to manage the family and live in a new & harsh environment, even though you know nothing about many things as well. Can you handle it? I think it's good that she is not giving up or even thinking to kill herself. She has a lot of fighting spirit in her and what motivates her to put up with all of those are her willingness to survive and hold her promise to safeguard the family until the oldest kid gets married and taking it over.
Double-page supporter
Jun 30, 2018
Aw I feel so bad for her, she endured 7 lonely years of hell for being in a position she didn't ask for and she was finally about to be free only to be pulled back to the beginning of it all ;-;

Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2018
Huh I didn't realise the kids apologising in chapter 1 is after she died.
Edit: reading that spoiler, oh wow. Daddy is a huge cunt, a creepy pedo cunt.

The whole damn premise is she's a special snowflake that a noble pick up, you can change "genius" to "great at business" or whatever but the damn point of the whole series is that she's someone extraordinary, that's why she become a noble's wife and took ever his estate in the first place!

If the author insist on picturing her as this someone extraordinary, why is it so damn hard to get the kids to sit the fuck down and talk about why their father decided to marry her. But instead she's doing some shady things that make the kid think she's taking up lover one after another while in this chapter she said she haven't, why the fuck don't she tell the eldest son that instead of going off the rail and telling him to fuck off?

Now imagine yourself in the kid's position. Some woman you don't know marries your dad, then he suddenly dies and somehow left all your (and your siblings) inheritance to her, and then not even a month after he dies she take up new lovers? Who wouldn't assume she had a hand in his father's death? Who wouldn't assume she's a dirty whore that con your dad to steal your inheritance? And when you confront her about it instead of explaining why, she lash out at you. Can you imagine what the kid must felt?

The MC's husband/the kid's dad are the asshole her for not actually trying to make sure the kids and his new wife get along, he's the idiot for entrusting everything to his teenage wife.
Double-page supporter
Mar 10, 2019
Let's be honest, it's completely understandable for her to lash out like she did in the previous chapter, she's clearly done a lot of things for the estate but the main thing she received from them was hostility. Obviously such response can cause her irrationality to overlap her judgement that results her to lash out. Even if the response is uncalled for, remember clearly that she's merely a child when all of this happened, the stress is clearly building up.

Smart girl she may be as the noble observed, the pressure she receives from the responsibilty she was given as a CHILD is also a great variable to consider. If I try to pull off a shitty psychoanalysis here I can also tell that she's quite prideful, so I think she feels it distasteful to even try put up a good face in front of the children that were already pretty disrespectful to her from the start. It's a good thing to consider that she also has a whole estate thrusted unto her to manage, and with that occupying her, she wouldn't have the tiniest patience to try put up with them after her initial attempts to get close with them failed. There's a lot of grey areas in her methods and behaviour and that's very good.

I also think that the author is actually trying to pull that "misunderstood genius" shtick. I mean, look at history itself, a lot of people that dicovered revolutionary shit were opressed harshly all because they presented something that people of their time couldn't understand.

And yeah totally. The father was a dick. Yeah sure she was all he could bet on to keep his estate along with his children safe, but it was completely irresponsible to do that considering he has a son. Did he not trust the kid at all?? That mustve been what the older kid felt when MC took over

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