The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Ch. 2

Sep 21, 2020
I sympathize with the mom. she was given this life that she loved so much , but then suddenly had to get married and have a kid, that she didn’t even want. she might not of been a good mother (like at all) and I’m not excusing her behaviour but she does deserve a chance. She needs to work for the love that she threw away though.
Mar 5, 2019
The maif is so unnecessarily rude though. Wtf. She's just an employee and she keeps on yapping about her employer's actions straight to her face. Even if they're close, that's still too familiar.

And the FL is kind of disappointing? She's like a bull in a china shop. She has absolutely no tact. Of course her teenager son won't take kindly to her suddenly acting all chummy. If she's that stupid, it's no wonder her husband and son didn't like her in the first place. Will still bookmark this to see if it improves.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2018
Dang, commenters are harsh. I mean, don’t get me wrong, she’s a pretty bad mother, and I’m not excusing her behavior, but she really wasn’t prepared to be a parent. It’s a lot to ask to give up much of your life to raise a child, especially so when one becomes a mother as young as she did. It’s not uncommon for young/teen mothers to resent their child, even while they love them, because they feel like they were robbed of their freedom as a youth. Having a child at a young age forces a person to grow up a lot faster than they should (not unlike war or trauma in that aspect). She definitely needs to put in the work to do right by her son (though I’m not sure if she even knows how to be a mother given how young she was when she gave birth), but as far as bad mothers go in manga/manwa, she’s one of the tamer examples as far as I can see. She’s more neglectful than abusive (still not an excuse, and definitely something she needs to correct) but it’s not like she’s beyond redemption.
May 19, 2018
@AnonDePlume i agree with you. plus, if i didn't misunderstand, her husband prohibited her from going out to parties at all until her son became 5?? like wtf, they're rich enough to have the kid kept by someone for a few hours, it's not like just because you became a mother you have to fully give up your social connections. it felt to me like the super strict and cold-behavioured husband had a big part in this.
Jul 30, 2019
This seems interesting.
Coincidentally, me and my mother were talking about this process of being a mother. I won't dive too deep, but my mom doesn't like this representation of "unconditional love" on media or how a mother can forgive everything. Yeah, a mother can love the child from the moment they are born, but there is also depression after birth. There is a lot of mother who struggles with this new "identity". Like my mom says, "You stop being you to be 'X's mom'". It's not supposed to be an unpleasant time, but it's hard, specially if you don't give the mother support.
Clearly, she wasn't the best mom, she didn't give him love or attention and resented him for priving her youth. Which is wrong, but also everyone blaming her, saying how she is a terrible mother, not giving advice or support, how can you expect her being an amazing mom? Like, the husband seemed worried about their relationship, but didn't really helped her. She was so spoiled, no one seemed to bother preparing her for motherhood, etc. The friends were there to criticize, not help or advice.
I am curious in how this story will go, because it has a lot of potential 👌
Dec 16, 2020
Yes the mother is at fault but not exactly she wasn’t prepared being a mother she had misunderstand she had a kid at a young age her teenage years was taken away. But still she should have cherish her kid that’s why the kid grew well apart from her she was also well spoil seems as she wasn’t taught of some things. And you can’t just go from cold to being all friendly and how did the mother start loving the child at her death door to begin with when she said she didn’t need him because she was spoil This is a manga is of teenage mothers as how twisted it can be sometimes (or maybe so) tho she is at fault I’m looking forward to this!
Jun 3, 2020
Ye I can see why he doesn't trust her. This whole thing feels to me like she wants to make amends because she wants to lessen her guilt

@Odina21 from what I understand, she needed to travel quite a ways to get to that party. And she originally wanted to do it when he was still really young. Not to mention he probably knew it wouldnt be looked upon favourably (we saw her friends talking about that) so he asked for her to wait until the family name was strong and stable enough to withstand such comments.
Aug 20, 2020
i sympathize with the son, wouldnt blame or resent him even a little if he didnt want to have a relationship with the fl. also thanks for the hard work :)
Mar 19, 2019
I know this probably isn't the kind of story to really portray an intricate relationship between mother and son (and even wife and husband); but I can't help but try to hope for it because the protagonist has an interesting perspective of being a very young wife. Maybe I missed something but I don't really understand why she's trying to be a mother for her son now? Like, I get when you're on death's door you regret a lot--but is that seriously the trigger? I can't feel any genuine feeling of her wanting to understand and be there for the child. It feels pretty sudden, perhaps it's because there are many stories like this that the author and editor felt the need to rush the backstory?

It's probably purposeful that the author is trying to portray the protagonist's ignorance to the reader about her family. I don't really have much faith though.
Mar 14, 2019
I understand that the mother(FL) is not the best mother, but the way someone commenting something like “ugh i f*ckin hate this Fl” it just feels like you are way more childish. I do agree with the son about the sudden attitude change from her mom and i didn’t want try to defend the mom(FL), but the fact that raising a child in a young age especially without any guidance is the most hard thing. You need to know about this fact before commenting something. For me, i’m curious about this stories goes and about how the mom’s character development will grow.
Sep 12, 2020
I mean I’m with the son like imagine being ignored by your mom for 15 years and one day out of nowhere she starts taking care of you that’s definitely sus dude
Nov 17, 2020
I think she should explain the main thing: trying to say that all this years she neglected him and now she wants to change it. As simple as that.

Thanks bored corona kids!!! You scanlated almost all interesting stories. Hope even if corona is over, you are still bored so y'all continuing the work 🤭😋
Mar 18, 2020
Saying that he's still only 15 years old, when she most likely got pregnant at 16 when she thought she had no choice BUT to marry... I hope that it is the characters saying it and not the author.
Jun 10, 2020
normally in reincarnation/time travel stories, first thing that come in the MCs' mind when they reawaken would be figuring out what year/period they're in right now, kinda funny how it took quite some time for her realizing it after knowing her son's current age.
Aug 10, 2020
That sucks... he's already 15 it's not going to be simple at all! That's so strange tho... why just 3 years back? What if she gets sick again
Nov 11, 2019
Ngl if I were the son the mother would be hella irritating or hella sus, like who are you to act all "kind" and holier-than-thou after a decade and a half of neglect?

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