The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Ch. 22

Oct 18, 2020
Don't tell me he cheated on her.. Srsly I think he shouldn't blame the fl bc he didn't care about her when she needed him the most (meaning the recovery ager pregnancy) and she wasn't even acknowledged as a member of his family. And then comes this bullsh*t w some princess?! Ngl that's no wonder why the fl acts so weird so don't f*cking blame her for everything
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Apr 29, 2019
@roundrobin rather than cheat (since I think you mean harsen with that princess who proposed to him), I think it’s referring to her sister. Since there’s been flashbacks and stuff about how much she envied ercella/loved Vicente bc she couldn’t have a child of her own
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Apr 29, 2019
@mai-sama I need to recheck but I’m pretty sure the princess they mentioned is her sister, so not about cheating. Plus the past chapters about how she couldn’t have a child and was envious of ercella /loved Vicente
Oct 8, 2020
I think this shows the reality of moms/kids that no one wants to talk about or admit :/
Some people get married and have kid(s) only because it's what you "should" do and what they're expected to do in life, without actually wanting it -- they just follow the so-called life script. That happened in my family and it's awful to be in the kid's position. I relate to Vicente, but tbh I also can't hate Ercella because I would also be so miserable if I were her. She was pressured into this, but when she was a teenager, and then developed PPD (which affects 10-15% of women btw, and then postpartum blues affect another 50-85%) on top of losing her dad and FIL. It sucks for everyone.

Thank you for the translation!
Dec 8, 2020
The First Princess is referring to her older sister, right? It was mentioned that her sister is a Princess (Queen) and she had three miscarriages before finally giving birth to a son and dying.
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Jul 18, 2020
@shotachin there is no middle-ground between who is right or who is wrong here—it is actually what I appreciate the most in this work.

Hansen is besieged by many enemies internal and external, and in the meantime he has to ensure is family stays safe and sound, and needs to maneuver through politics and schemes and take care of his fief. Result? = he leaves the young Ercella, already traumatized by her experiences in the reality of high society, in a wolf's den and lets her suffer through depression and more trauma. And she, in turn, redirects this all onto her son Vincent. Harsen is right, yet he is wrong. No one can say

Ercella's case is the one we are most clear about. She was traumatized—she lived in a world where she couldn't see any future without a choice in front of her, and all she chose was the best one available. This was what she told herself, others, and Harsen as well. What was the result?= what we see ensue here—everything forced on her by the external forces and the world, and her reaction to these. Depression, trauma, which lead to her descent into the indifferent mother she is to Vincent, and a heartless wife to Hansen.

For now, and I do hope it stays that way to not create any meaningless drama, Vincent is the only innocent one in the family. Though neglected and mentally abused by both of his parents, he still works hard, still shows effort to respond to his mother who, though abrupt, turned more affectionate. After these flashbacks, I hope we can see the fluffiness and their warm family again.

@gingervanilla exactly right. My mother, also a middle eastern, was forced to marry and give birth to my brother at sixteen years of age and me at eighteen, with her father dead, while my father was 10 years her senior in half-poverty. It was life that forced her, and her mother's hands to this marriage and birth of me and my big brother. In that sense, while the characters are all situated in a high-society and rich setting, the struggles in the family reminds me of mine and many friends' families in here. Pregnancy is not a merry go round process for most, even if it is wanted.

I also recommend the manga Kounodori to those that wish to know more about pregnancy in a episodic-story setting, as it shows more about its realities than the happy fantasy that most fiction decides to present.
May 22, 2019
@vonni604 There was certainly attraction between the two of them. Maybe it's just that... several sad things have occured so they happened to end up with kind of tragically in the first timeline. :(
Oct 18, 2020
@Minxxerias aah thank you for clearing up the misunderstanding! Well good thing that he didn't cheat but that her sis miscarried isn't good news either.. I can't wait for them to make up and finally getting along
Oct 12, 2020
Honestly, feeling unwanted is terrible.

My parents divorced when I was a kid, and I didn't see my father until I was 18 and requesting all unpaid childsupport to use the money for my Uni fees. My mom took great care in never making me hate my father and making excuses for his absence. So when he came and was like "I don't think I owe you anything" and basically told me that I was unwanted to my face, it kind of broke me.
Would it have been better if I had started believing that when I was younger? Was I lucky that he wasn't there to show me how much he hated me on a daily basis or would I have been better off at least having a father figure? Was it unfair from my mom to hide everything from me?

I can empathise with all the characters, but especially with Vicente.
Sep 16, 2020
I think the baby will go to the miscarried princess. This is too much torture. lmao

The FL is too passive and lazy that she can't even love her own son. Not a parent material. Not even a wife material if she can only stay quiet with everything happening and assuming everything without even doing anything.

I believe people who loves party is not this timid. So her personality doesn't match.
Jun 6, 2019
People saying that she’s not fit to be a mother etc, have you ever considered it’s postpartum depression? Or maybe even normal depression? with really really bad coping mechanism

Because so far, there’s literally no one taking care of her emotionally throughout her pregnancy and everyone is just mocking her without even trying to help her

Being a mother isn’t easy, and she was young lady whose only talent is her looks, at the prime of her life and suddenly it gets taken away with no emotional support
Apr 1, 2019

Her issue is most likely post-partum depression and trauma from all that she has experienced. Not saying that the way she treated her child is right but untreated PPD can last for years and lead to further problems. There are a myriad of hormones and other things that contribute to it and it’s really common. While it doesn’t excuse her actions, it does explain them.

Additionally it’s not like she’s the only one who abandoned Vicente. Harsen essentially abandoned them both. It is understandable that he couldn’t be there during her pregnancy due to circumstances, but he could have made sure she had the support she needed. Instead she is made to feel like an outsider in her home, even after he returns. Her chosen form of escapism is socialising and his is work. Neither are really good parents and it’s not fair to put it only on the FL.

Vicente is of course totally innocent in all this and it is unfortunate that he didn’t have better parents, but then again his parents situation is largely doe to understandable circumstances.

After the FL snapped out of her depression due the clarity of dying, she has been doing all she can to rectify her past mistakes. Sure it’s late and doesn’t negate the neglect completely, but there is still a chance for a meaningful change. I think it’s unfair to say she doesn’t love her son when it’s largely not properly treated depression and anxiety causing her indifference.
Sep 29, 2019

She's still 17 married young, got pregnant young, people expecting her a lot while being pregnant, her father got sick, she left home, she got homesick, she feels like an outsider to her husbands family. Her husband went to war and his husbands uncle is trying to steal the Duchy and the people in the Duchy doesn't listen to her while her husband is away. She can't visit her family cause Vicente was still out in war battling. You don't think your mental health wont break? WAKE UP. Post-Partum depression, anxiety and trauma's exist. Some newly Mother's experience like this especially when their YOUNG. Mental health matters but this is a period webtoon and they don't know how to treat depression they just leave the person.

Like what @Marvels said please learn more about post partum depression, depression, anxiety, trauma's rather than Judging her without understanding what it is. If it's untreated it will go on forever that is why she's like this.

Or read this manga: <-- to explain more about Child birth and other stuff for new mothers.
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Jun 14, 2018
Many people are still blaming and cursing Ercella only... Proof that they still don’t deeply understand the complexity of the whole situations.

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