Fuck me up man. I never seen depression this real since "I gave birth to the villain's child."
sonyaism Member Joined Mar 27, 2019 Messages 1,335 Feb 26, 2021 #121 Fuck me up man. I never seen depression this real since "I gave birth to the villain's child."
lev-iathan Member Joined Jan 16, 2021 Messages 51 Mar 15, 2021 #123 damn postpartum depression is really something else. coupled with the fact that she was neglected and no one treated her like her own person, she was on the verge of spiraling down eventually
damn postpartum depression is really something else. coupled with the fact that she was neglected and no one treated her like her own person, she was on the verge of spiraling down eventually
N Nanashi77423 Active member Joined Sep 10, 2019 Messages 361 Mar 16, 2021 #125 @lev-iathan That and because she is smart it's possible she was overthinking some stuff which pretty much put her into that spiral.
@lev-iathan That and because she is smart it's possible she was overthinking some stuff which pretty much put her into that spiral.
S sweetlyincensed Member Joined Feb 11, 2018 Messages 264 Mar 18, 2021 #126 She never believed that it was possible for Harsen to love her. Arranged marriages don’t have to be void of love and respect. But if you don’t believe in your partner...
She never believed that it was possible for Harsen to love her. Arranged marriages don’t have to be void of love and respect. But if you don’t believe in your partner...