Soul is weakening -> soul attack negation
kinda stupid but OK
Arms are broken -> Arms are healed
Your arms having healed isnt a status????
Healthy is baseline
Her power also just doesnt seem to have a limitation
Author should have went harder on the physical strain caused by it but no the MC has to be perfect so we cant have that
And the dude just gave an entire group of people the good heal skill in an instant??????? Whats the point of the fucking saintes then???????????????????????
"Wow this shirt is like mithril"
...its like the super hard metal..? o k ?
And the quality just wouldnt be good cause its fucking metal and they explained earlier that its soft as shit in small amounts
@sung1332 Shit LN adaptions like this almost always completely fail at building a believable world
The whole story takes place in a bubble where the untalented author can live out their fantasies