@es_kan In recent studies, its shown that those who deviate away from normal tend to have a higher likelihood of deaths from things unrelated to their actual condition. Suicide would most likely come from the fact they're so lost or depressed at how "not-normal" they are that they can't take it, likewise very few people could empathize with their situation especially in a society where you can choose. This would likewise follow with the death by emaciation, or starvation in a more common sense. Murders would come from those who definetely see them as the "freaks" or "others" and think they would rectify the world by "fixing" the mistake, or by killing them and thinking there's nothing wrong since they're not "normal". Accidental death could be murder with unintended consequences, or just not knowing what their medication should be, or simply happenstance. The illness one is the most telling since one can actually gain illnesses from outside or even mental anguish, from being too stressed and getting a heartattack or hypertension, to getting cancer or the flu and not having the strengthen to fight it off. Its really more of deep societal issue than a biological one.