The Ghostly Doctor - Ch. 203

May 2, 2020
I'm glad to see it's going in this direction. The romantic parts of this story isn't exactly its strongest side... Plus now, it makes it seem less one-sided and forceful. Y'know, even though he refuses her refusal. *rolls eyes* He's still an unexpectedly gentle ML for your typical cold, tyrannical one.
Jan 18, 2018
Honestly I think Grandpa shouldn't be cloistering himself in a training sequence leading up to the wedding. Spend your engagement months happily! Yeesh. It's not like there's gonna be wedding photos. Paintings maybe but just get someone to fix 'em afterwards XD

Also... Ten years? I mean that seems about right, actually, if we want to stop the whole cradle-robbing thing. Though I keep forgetting about that because she's pretty much 16 on paper only (doesn't act it, doesn't look it, isn't treated as it, and also isekai age-shenanigans).
Jan 26, 2020
@Pokari I think he wants to be in a decent cultivation level and close to if not to the right level to be ready to use the gift his granddaughter gave him lmao. Now for the MC. Yes, she was a woman probably in her late 20s-close to be 30 [it is more realistic or more logical to be at least that old with her knowledge and connection she got in her previous life]. That is why she is kind of scared to get close to anyone. We have to remember that the person she loved died because of her job. There is a trauma she will need to face in the future and is currently trying to deal with it. Remember she has been talking to herself about her memories and how to face it.

The ML said that he was 9 years older than her so he is 25 but is more mature than that because he is from a royal/imperial family. They have to go thru many things to protect themselves from others and their own siblings. His mentality is of a person in their mid-30s or late 30s. Which it makes sense. He is indifferent to her dressing up and the way to flirt and interested to just amuse herself with girls, he is very calm and has a lot of connections he made thru his life cuz of his experience. PLUS, their cultivation allows them to continue living longer than us. ten years is meaningless. We can see they can even drink an elixir to keep them young. He has connections and comes from a prestigious family, he has his own alchemy HQ so he has access to people who can make the elixir or could get the ingredients...PLUS our MC is planning to make one that will rejuvenate a person after they get in higher cultivation levels.
Jan 18, 2018
@Darkwolfx said:
[it is more realistic or more logical to be at least that old with her knowledge and connection she got in her previous life]

To be fair there is no age at which one would have the knowledge and skills she had in her previous life. XD That's reserved strictly for fictional action-genre characters.

Anyway, I'm not sure where you're going with the stuff about them being able to make youth elixirs and whatnot. The problem with an age-gap romance isn't that one of them looks young and the other looks old, it's mostly about mental age, and to some extent knowledge and power imbalances.

If he believes she's 16, he's being a little creepy, by our standards, full stop. Not necessarily "Jesus Christ, call the police" creepy (although to my knowledge in many places carnal relations with that gap would indeed be statutory rape), possibly just "Um, dude, WTF, that's a high-schooler"-level creepy.

Now, she probably is older than properly 16 (because isekai). And the "acceptable" age gaps in a medieval setting would be much larger. Though that doesn't give authors a blanket excuse to depict them however they want while ignoring the standards of our time—but this particular work definitely isn't some sort of pedorast-bait, because, as mentioned, she isn't depicted as her (supposed) age in any way shape form or fashion. So I'm not saying I really have any objections as such. Just simply that the facts of the matter (him believing her to be 16 and pursuing her doggedly at his age) would not be acceptable in our society.


Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
Him: "I love you, I want to create a family with you, please answer me: yes or no?"
Her: "Man, I've got a career to make, I need my independence. Wait 10 years, let me fool around and I might take you in then"

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