@Ragu_Jostar If you haven't figured out yet, it's the new strategy being tried out by the pedo scums. As to why, it's the same as why Red is the color of progress and revolution in Russia but in America it is Blue.
Man I don't know why people would jump straight to conclusions like this one being a romance manga just because these two character got a unique friendship wtf. You weebs haven't experienced having a girlfriend to not know what romance is? Lmao
let me guess, the debt collector will raise the amount she owes because she's worth more now or some nonsense in order to have "title" holders under his control?
Big ew. KIDS RUN AWAY! Parents hide your kids!! The pedo @kolotons has come out of its basement to prey on the poor children! 911 please arrest this person @Kolotons. I think it’s lost it’s sanity and might attack at any moment so dont hesitate to shoot it!
Omg it’s still replying to me! GROSS! And idk what its even talking about now, I guess it broke lmao. What a weirdo. Yuck, I’m filled with so much disgust right now to know that scum like you exists. Your nasty creepy azz is spoiling this thread with your filth and degeneracy so this will be my last reply to you in order to stop your filth from spreading anymore and to save myself from puking responding to you.