The Goddess of Healing - Ch. 6 - Show of Strength

Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
So did that nanny come with the lying aunt and cousin? I hope they save her mother and the two get exposed
Mar 10, 2019
@JWChibi I've read the raws through google translate (the app translates pictures) and from my understanding the nanny was secretly paid off by the aunt, which is why the main character is so cold towards the nanny now (because she trusted the nanny who had been with the family for so long, only to find out that nanny's loyalty can easily be bought by the highest bidder)

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 24, 2019
I love that she’s fully aware of their motives and gets them to stay away at least for now. I’m loving this manga!! Thank you so much, Magnificent Team!! You are indeed magnificent. 😆😁
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 30, 2019
I don't understand. How is the maid not dead yet? The MC literally knows how treacherous the Granny maid is. The maid - Granny - sold out her original masters to 2 unknown snakes for a bit of money or promise of status? How is a maid allowed to speak like that in front of her master for some unknown people as if it was here house and not get punished. You can literally see how she is trying to get them in good favor.

Edit: I say unknown, because from the masters stand point they haven't met each other in a long time, so how is a maid from their house hold suppose to know them and speak up for them?
Aggregator gang
Oct 16, 2019
Ok option 1 makes no sense
Option 3 will get a daughter killed by her father
that leaves 2
Jul 27, 2020
Her whole idea of learning medicine to save her mom from a future fate seems kinda naive and dumb... Instead of wasting so much time inside her study room, wouldn't it be more advantageous to spend more energy trapping the evil mom/daughter and kicking them out of the Su household? Medicine takes decades to master, so the idea of a normal human learning medicine from a divine genius in half a year is absurd.
Jan 18, 2018
Stealing luxury goods to tempt an old man's avarice in order to learn medicine—hopefully fast enough, maybe fantasy medicine isn't a highly skilled trade?—to outmanoeuvre your mother's would-be killers, hoping that indeed the methods they try can be countered with medicine, though you happen to already know the serving maid can easily overpower someone and murder them with a mere scrap of cloth...

This seems like a great plan, nothing could go wrong.

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