The Golden-Haired Elementalist - Ch. 30

Jan 5, 2020
@words yea I try to not impose current social norms of my country upon historical fiction & fantasy settings...but it's difficult for me get past the age stuff in children bc a 16 yr old & 10 yr old's cognitive & physical dev are at quite noticeably diff stages.
May 17, 2019
@shinrakvsa Oh I didn't think your reasoning was an age gap, I was responding to @/words! From what you said it does sound like he's a bit creepy but annoying..? I still don't quite get how he's annoying from what you said

@words I'm confused. My question of "why?" which you replied to was towards @/shinrakvsa's comment on him being annoying, so when you @ me talking about an age gap I'm going to assume you're talking about why you think he's annoying. I wasn't asking about anything else. Also I think you mean the fl is way too old for him right..? I get what you're saying about age being weird in manga and such, but I don't see what that has to do with what I said

Personally, I find the age gap separate from whether a character is annoying. The fl is friends with ppl who are way younger than her and it doesn't affect their annoyance towards me.
Jan 24, 2020
@Lililac: Well I was responding to you saying he was the definition of unproblematic. And I wouldn't see it quite like that because to me that age gap is just not completely unproblematic.
May 9, 2020
Noooooo CLIFFHANGER (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Thank you for the update (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Jul 14, 2020
Hi so.. I just want to share my opinion about the age gap thing... I think its not a big of a deal.. except for that dude that has a crush on our protagonist here wich is a 10 yrs. Old.. mabye its because of her mentality that he doesn't see her as a child.. because she died at age 17 then add 10 which makes her 27 years old. And if you noticed it also said that big gaps in ages between partners is not a taboo to them (the guy's parents).... just sharing please dont attack me..

Though I believe that love has no age but in the perspective of the most society on it.. which is the girl a 10 yrs. Old liking a 16 yrs. Old guy (vice versa) is really bad or wrong.. looking at how young they are specially the girl.

Sorry for the bad english... Please dont hate each other we all have our own opinions 😅
Oct 22, 2019
@AngelVania for me, the age gap thing is not a big deal too, but for me I have a different mindset on the reincarnated age thingy. When u die, in this case she died at 17, and IF u reincarnate into a baby or a child, I don't think your mindset would grow. Like, even though she died and lived for 10 more years, I think she would still mentally be 17 yrs old because she never experienced the life of an 18 yr old yet.

So for me, this love thing (if there is) is totally legal. And when she grows up, a 6 year gap isn't actually that much.

Well that's just my opinion on ages in these kinds of stories.

Also, y didn't she just summon undine???? I think undine is much more capable of saving her then ray.
Feb 16, 2018
Okay, the getting chased by an orc when going out to pee and the thieves of the summoner stone coincidentally being the bee swarm is one thing, but this one's totally on you Jeanie.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 13, 2020
She says she doesn't want things to happen to her but she constantly seeks for trouble. Jeanie is such a bad narrator and its so obvious
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
Did she really just start complaining about God not giving her a good life when she's literally the rarest type of magician with a contract to three spirits (almost four) and incredible mana reserves? Plus she's not poor and never has to worry about food or shelter? And is coddled by everyone?
Also the "what I want is for nothing to happen to me" but constantly running away from the guards who are there for her protection 🤪. Girl, I can't
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 11, 2019
Oh, look at that. Jeanie wandering away from her guards only to immediately run into trouble. It isn't like this never happened multiple times before. Growth, development, characters learning from their mistakes; what even are those? Its obvious that our MC is such a genius that she doesn't need useless things like common-sense or self-preservation.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 11, 2019
Also, all the people defending Sunbae(?), please don't. His attraction towards Jeanie isn't just problematic now, but it will most likely also be problematic in the future. He is at that age of adolescence where you experiment and develop/learn your sexuality. The fact that he is even attracted to a 10 yo girl shows that he already has a pedophilic disposition. It's quite likely that even as a full grown man in the future, that he'll still want to fuck children.
Active member
Oct 27, 2020
Man, why can't I ever expect the comments for this series to be positive for once?
TL;DR - People need to reread more carefully. There are problems, but not the ones some of these people point out.

Like @Bluehammer12 why the hell is with your creepy comment? What part of Brite/Sunbae makes you think he has a sexual attraction to MC? He said it was her magic style that made him infatuated and if he was such a person, wouldn't he rather choose someone that is more easily obtainable? God, I feel disgusting trying to just explain this. I am saying that he would probably go for someone that is more willing to have a relationship with him rather than someone who would refuse him. While by modern standards it would be also be considered creepy to do such a thing, this is also a time period that people get married at twelve. So it is more a cultural f*ckup than a character one, and the author does not seem to have any intention of the characters having any romance at this point. Likely when the MC looks more like she does on the cover.
Also @nivinator. She didn't want God to give her the summoning ability either. She said that she wanted to live with nothing happening. But not only are great expectations placed on her from her rare magical ability, but she also has terrible luck as well. Yeah, she doesn't learn to keep her guards with her, but she probably hates being confined. In her last life she felt she couldn't be free from her studying, and also it was because she was trapped in a tunnel that she suffocated and died.
Man, I feel like such a cringe fangirl defending the series no matter what. There are some problems. The MC is two-faced, but there are a lot of people like that. The worldbuilding can also be expanded a bit more as well. Some of the side characters also feel a little shallow at this point, but that is understandable since this is the beginning. There will probably be a time skip after the tournament, or since she is kidnapped she may not end up going due to safety. I mean at some point they have to say that she is getting into too much trouble. I just hope people will be a but more positive.
Active member
Nov 2, 2019
@Bluehammer12 I'm not a fan of age differences in relationships where both parties are not of adult age, but can we just be clear bc he made it clear that his interest was sparked by her magic, and that he wasn't even sure if his feelings were that of love (to clarify, he says "Is this the feeling of liking someone?" in chapter 25)
I don't want their relationship to work out, but can we not call a 16 year old a pedophile and condemn him for a crime he has not shown any indication for yet? He hasn't tried to touch her or force her consent as of yet, so any sexual attraction is not immediately on the table...the author may even shift it to a realization that he likes her as a friend, we don't know yet. You're passing an awful lot of judgement just because you're dissatisfied with the plot. This seems like a case of don't like, don't read.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 28, 2018
why why why is she always running from the guards then wondering why bad thngs keep happening to her...

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