The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Vol. 3 Ch. 109 - Pretend Family

Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2023
I guess that Kanna will leave and Joe will have to face his mistakes. It seems like he still won't go for Kanna but I bet when Mitsuki has success that he can see he will have to realize she grew up and needs to live his life for himself too.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2023
Ooooo more depth to kanna is cool. I always felt like she could’ve had a deeper storyline
We knew that from the first explanation of her acquaintance with Mitsuki, it was immediately obvious she still carried a torch for Joe and the question was whether she blew up or he saw it first.
I guess that Kanna will leave and Joe will have to face his mistakes. It seems like he still won't go for Kanna but I bet when Mitsuki has success that he can see he will have to realize she grew up and needs to live his life for himself too.
I feel like it would be too late by then. That'd be having your cake and keeping it too.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
I was feeling some sympathy for Kanna, but only because I couldn't remember why they broke up. Went back and re-read the flashback chapter about it, and it's because Joe decided to stay in Japan for Mitsuki rather than go to America with Kanna. And I have to say he was 100% right to make that call, especially since it doesn't seem like Mitsuki has any other family.

Kanna walked out on them to do her own thing, then walks back in years later, starts acting like family, and then gets angry at Joe for being happy she's acting like family? I'm not unsympathetic to her, but I think she's in the wrong here.

I also feel like there's a lot of expectation on both Joe and Mitsuki to be the drivers in the relationship. Kanna's previous advice to Aya about not sitting around waiting for someone is fine, but also Aya hasn't told Mitsuki she has a romantic interest in her. It's not good to just pine for someone and then get upset when they don't get it and act first. People aren't mind readers. If you like someone, tell them. If you're unhappy about something, speak up. Don't just pretend everything is cool while acting passive aggressive to them or suddenly blowing up at them.
This is it. Kanna is toxic. Avoid.
  • Kanna is the one wanted Joe to drop Mitsuki and come do what Kanna wanted.
  • She had her priorities, furthering her own life was higher priority than having a non-permanent relationship with her boyfriend and his niece. That was fine. But that was her choice and she gets to live with the consequences.
  • She goes off and lives her dream in America. She did her thing and pursued other relationships.
  • Now she's back? --> Her dream failed and none of those other relationships panned out. So now she's come back for her backup option.
  • All of that would still be fine... If she were honest about it. Tell Joe what happened with her life, say that she missed their life together and wants to restart it. But she doesn't do that.
  • Instead she just comes back into his life as a friend. Threatens to take his niece away to America (remember that? shitty thing to do).
  • Then acts in a familial way, then tries to guilt trip Joe for his accepting her acting in a familial way.
  • This isn't totally unsalvageable, she could still come clean, and try sincerely to work it out. But for that to happen, Joe needs to call her on her BS and be clear. But I'll be very surprised if the author goes that route.
  • Kanna first shows in ch 45. It's been 6 years. She was working as a stylist in LA. Seems they haven't kept in touch.
  • She immediately suggests that Mitsuki should go overseas. And rags on Joe for not having gone overseas. And she immediately gets pally with Mitsuki.
  • Ch 49 is where we get the split story. Both Kanna and Joe had wanted to go to LA. But Joe decided to stay in Japan with Mitsuki. Kanna chose to continue to LA. They were BF/GF at the time. Kanna knew that Joe was staying for Mitsuki's sake (though perhaps she also feels that Joe chickened out and was using Mitsuki as an excuse).
  • There is no scene which indicates whether or not Joe asked her to stay. But, unless one or both was looking for an excuse to get out of the relationship, then they must have discussed it.
  • Consider that Joe has a music shop. He's put down roots, has a good business, it would be absurd for him to move, thus throwing away his livelihood.
  • Kanna has said that here visit to Japan is just temporary. (However, it seems to be a rather long "temporary".)
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Group Leader
May 24, 2018
Damn, she really still misses him... But it is her fault for leaving him in the first place, gurl just be honest with him and stop trying to make it in the US when clearly you couldn't! Lol
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
The sentiment of "it's easy to live every day busy with the same things that you always are, without thinking, but it's hard to actually break out and change" is very relatable.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
Wait, did she just say “I wanted us to be like family, but you wouldn’t abandon a child!”, start crying and storm out?
Go grow some bangs!
No? He straight up didn't ask her to stay or even brought up the possibility. If she was that insensitive and cruel, she wouldn't be in this story.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2020
Problem was, he didn't ask her to stay. He just said "k, take care" like he didn't really care. So she left. Now after she comes around to visit, he had a shoe in mouth moment and practicly said "your presence is so important" to her face which is confusing if not straight up insensitive this late in to the game so she blew a fuse.
Aug 28, 2020
ok, i understand kanna's hurt because joe has been overly intimate without really making it clear that he wants her...

but, besides the whole "it's either kanna or mitsuki" thing, look at this from chap 86

^ was on reply to joe being stressed about not being a proper adult

the one who placed herself as someone joe could count on as a partner was kanna... it wasn't just joe taking her for granted...

now i get it if she said it not expecting this would actually hurt her (both her and aya have the habit of lying for joe/mitsuki's sake, even if it hurts them), but i don't think it's only joe's fault... it's also somewhat unclear if kanna wants to be with him for realsies from his perspective, since she presumably has a whole life in USA waiting for her (since she talked about taking mitsuki back with her) and she's only really opened up to aya about her still having feelings for joe until this chapter i think.

both her and aya are reaching their limit whike doing their best, but they haven't /actually/ communicated their wants to joe/mitsuki... and those two have the habit of both self-depricating and assuming things are communicated without actually communicating... it's a whole mess of avoidant tendencies and lacking communication... the perfect way to form a catastrophic situationship
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
No? He straight up didn't ask her to stay or even brought up the possibility. If she was that insensitive and cruel, she wouldn't be in this story.
It's a short form manga, so we're not going to get long, explicit versions spelling everything out at length...

From ch 49, the situation is clear... Kanna and Joe wanted to go to LA. But then Joe changed his mind because he wanted to raise Mitsuki (and presumably thought that raising her in Japan would be better for Mitsuki). Kanna knew that Joe chose to stay because of Mitsuki. But to Kanna, going to LA was more important than her relationship with Joe. And she would have preferred that he ditch Mitsuki and go to LA with her.

Her choosing LA over Joe is not insensitive, that just personal priorities. Her wanting Joe to ditch Mitsuki and come to LA with her is pretty damned selfish though.

IDK why you think that manga stories won't include selfish people. Juicy romance drama is par for the course.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Problem was, he didn't ask her to stay. He just said "k, take care" like he didn't really care. So she left. Now after she comes around to visit, he had a shoe in mouth moment and practicly said "your presence is so important" to her face which is confusing if not straight up insensitive this late in to the game so she blew a fuse.
Oh, no! He respected her decision!
How dare he agree to allow her to live her life how she wanted!

It’s totally not toxic to expect someone to take “no” as “try harder”!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2020

"I just wanted to hang out, toss back a few beers, and eat Chinese food and now you're screaming at the top of your lungs, crying non-stop, then blaming me for destroying our chance at family, that really hurts, I have feelings too... And you wonder why things didn't work out?"

If only eh?
bro has a stupid fucking dumb hate bonner for Joe stop trying to project your owb fucking vomit LMAO

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