I cannot WAIT to see Mitsuki's full-fit reveal. Bolo tie? Suit? Is she going for Johhny Cash, or Rooster Cogburn?
Listen. There are rock fans who like Elvis, and rock fans who like The Beatles. You can like both but you like one more than the other. And let me tell you this- Elvis fans wear bolo ties, and Beatles fans wear skinny ties. It's canon then that Mitsuki is #TeamElvis.
I don't like this at all.
At the moment is Kanna who is running away, and how is anyone to say how Uncle really feels and wants to do? He made his choice, accept it. Or at least make Mitsuki acknowledge more clearly that Uncle chose her over Kanna and make the two discuss it.
If Uncle goes to Kanna and they get together is not because it's something that he genuinely felt and wanted to do by himself, instead if just him submitting to others wishes and egoism.
The irony is Mitsuki is talking about herself, or at least how
she would act in Joe's shoes. It's projection. There's a lot of clichés for this situation like apples falling close to the tree, if the shoe fits, etc. All of these suggest that Mitsuki and Joe are pretty similar in their love and lives.
Is it the right advice for Joe? Time will tell. The trick is that Joe and Kanna's feelings are complicated. They both want to be with each other, but their lives drive them apart. And the biggest obstacle (aside from the Pacific) is that Joe is a navel-gazing hipster man baby. And Mitsuki is a navel-gazing hipster teen baby! But both are on the cusp of growing up a little. OMG it's an arc!
Now we find out if Mitsuki has the guts to take her own advice and go after Aya! My dream of them kissing at the prom is ALIVE!