The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Ch. 68 - We, on the Waiting Side

Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
I fundamentally dont understand not at least getting to know someone first at a bare minimum before seriously dating.

I cant wrap my brain on people only seeing someones appearance and that be enough of a reason to be infatuated. Can that be a start of an interest? Yeah, I never said it cant, but for that to be it? For that to be enough? I just dont get that at all. It makes little to no sense to me. It feels shallow.

(I never said anything about needing to be close friends being predatory(???) though. You are taking it to extremes that I never meant)


But like I said in a previous comment, I fully admit I might just not get any of this because of how I am. But I can only see things how I see them.
You know how people get to know each other..... They go on a coffee date and get to know each other.

Fed-Kun's army
Feb 18, 2019
Fun fact: This isn’t officially classified as “yuri”. The author herself says it’s not. She doesn’t like how unrealistic yuri is.
It’s “romance”.
I think I get it now.

It's like the saying "love is love" that people use to advocate for the validity, normalization, and equal treatment of lgbtq+ relationships.

And it seems that the author actively believes it and puts it into practice.

Quite admirable imo.
Dec 3, 2023
You know how people get to know each other..... They go on a coffee date and get to know each other.

You’re forgetting this is set in Japan, so people aren’t gonna be as open about dating people of the same gender.

Not to mention even in countries more open to LGBTQ+, there are still people who prefer dating friends/friends of friends instead of strangers. Not everything revolves around your view of the world.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2019
In regards to the discourse in this comments section I do think, regardless of anything, this manga's four page format does it give it major pacing issues. The biggest problem is this manga is trying to tackle the subject matter of the kind of manga that usually has like 20-something pages a chapter in four page chunks. This format causes the scenarios to be awkwardly split up because the author doesn't seem to like continuing the same scene week to week so instead you get these odd snippets of the problem and then awkward time skips and scene changes that break the flow.

Typically smaller manga like this are geared towards simple topics that resolve themselves quickly. The original premise of a girl having a crush and that crush doing unknowingly flirty things worked well with that format. The plot ever since the reveal has dealt with much more complex topics that are much more awkwardly shoved into the short manga format. I think a lot of the frustration I'm seeing here would be alleviated with better pacing in a different format.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
In regards to the discourse in this comments section I do think, regardless of anything, this manga's four page format does it give it major pacing issues. The biggest problem is this manga is trying to tackle the subject matter of the kind of manga that usually has like 20-something pages a chapter in four page chunks. This format causes the scenarios to be awkwardly split up because the author doesn't seem to like continuing the same scene week to week so instead you get these odd snippets of the problem and then awkward time skips and scene changes that break the flow.

Typically smaller manga like this are geared towards simple topics that resolve themselves quickly. The original premise of a girl having a crush and that crush doing unknowingly flirty things worked well with that format. The plot ever since the reveal has dealt with much more complex topics that are much more awkwardly shoved into the short manga format. I think a lot of the frustration I'm seeing here would be alleviated with better pacing in a different format.
This was exactly my feeling and what I thought about once I saw it evolving it's focus many many chapters ago. You pretty much explained my thinking regarding how she's used the medium, especially the scene/continuity breaking.

Not only that, but with the lovely art and creative paneling, the focus isn't on getting a lot of dialogue in each chapter. So they are shorter and the dialogue/actions contained within tend also to be less than some other 4 pagers.

The other issues some are having largely branch off from these, I think; as well as the shift in focus to more music appreciation. I do still enjoy it but not as much because of those reasons.

I also can't shake the feeling that I'd rather Koga were the main character or that we got more of her POV. A lot of the interesting psychology seems to be within her but we don't really get her opinions or follow her privately. I can't help but feel like I'd rather be seeing her thoughts right now, as she thinks about her music and balancing that with her life and Aya. She's left somewhat mysterious and I'd personally like if she weren't.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
I fundamentally dont understand not at least getting to know someone first at a bare minimum before seriously dating.

I cant wrap my brain on people only seeing someones appearance and that be enough of a reason to be infatuated. Can that be a start of an interest? Yeah, I never said it cant, but for that to be it? For that to be enough? I just dont get that at all. It makes little to no sense to me. It feels shallow.

(I never said anything about needing to be close friends being predatory(???) though. You are taking it to extremes that I never meant)


But like I said in a previous comment, I fully admit I might just not get any of this because of how I am. But I can only see things how I see them.
Yeah see, you don't get it AND you don't try to get it. Instead, all you're talking down to an opinion that you don't agree with.

I have seen people feel in love within weeks or even days over appearance and small talks, I have seen so far 3 marriage that starts like that and is still going strong today. Things like that do happen irl, people can just fall in love that fast and still have a good relationship.

I don't understand how that works either, but at least I don't call it "shallow" and being all condescending toward it like you.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
Holy smokes, some of y'all just want the yuri fluff and tropes when the author was writing two teenagers who happened to like the same music and hit it off. Of course this story's going to be a slow burn - it's a twitter comic.

In short - some of y'all want a magical resolution to the story and it shows.
The folks needing to poorly react need to assess their library and why they have what they have in there.
I really don't agree with this but your comment made me realize something. The reason why I and so many feel dissatisfied with this is because it's a twitter comic with only 4 pages per update!

Trying to cram teenage drama and love problems with a lot of characters (in the current arc there's 4 main characters: our two girls, Koga's uncle and Koga's uncle lover) into a very short medium like that doesn't make for a good story. Furthermore, whenever the two girls interact, they're always surrounded by friends, family (which is realistic) but it makes everything rather forgettable.

Take this series for example. It deals with many things: grief, loneliness, self-love, self-esteem, faith in a higher power, etc. It only has 11 chapters so far, but every topic it touched on is explored sufficiently AND we still have room for some lovely moments between the two MCs.

Meanwhile, because of the short chapter and the author choosing to focus on the drama, this story just keeps adding drama to drama to drama for at least 10 chapters now, and some of us are bored by that.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2018
For the sake of science I read everything in this thread and this is my conclusion:

2% Discussing the chapter
90% "Why arent they sucking face in this Twitter comic that is still further in progress than most serialised manga?"
6% the same guy strike-reacting opinions he doesn't agree with like this is Reddit with the downvoting system
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2020
some of yall really have no taste for subtlety - this is 100% slowburn and 100% show not tell and if yall dont like that, fine but keep it pushing

imagine wanting a story about queer love to conform to cishet tropes - couldnt be me

i for one love these clumsy kiddos and their slow nonlinear journey with all my heart
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
this is really relatable imo. even if it’s unintentional, a sense of distance can appear even in the best relationships.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2018
Yeah, no right or wrong answers for this. Passion is always a personal and dividing thing. Tbf I feel like I can't relate with the problem personally bc I'm usually on the Koga end of things, but my SO did say that she felt something like what Aya and Kanna described whenever I "went into [my] own world". It took a lot of communicating back and forth to get into a pace we were both comfortable with, and this pace can be very different between people.

That said, Koga and Aya p clearly loved each other to begin with. It's Koga's first time delving deeper into her passions and she used to never even have friends before, so I really hope Aya's surprising empathy kicks in at just the right time (and that Koga would be more understanding of Aya's circumstances in return). It's their usual dynamic, anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2020
Y’all will love anything by Zanka if what you’re looking for is a manga that really sticks to its premise.

Personally I think that the manga’s second focus has always been about how the characters feel like music is something they love but can’t share with the people around them so they feel lonely.

If you re-read from the start, that’s Aya’s main concern. Then she suddenly finds a cute “boy” who she can talk to about music and the story becomes about how their relationship grows around sharing this love of music (and each other). Then it gets flipped a little bit with Koga getting so sucked into the music that she’s isolating herself and making Aya feel like she’s alone again.

But the recent drama stems from Koga feeling like she’s on a different path from Aya and trying to figure out what path she wants to take.

I think it’s all incredibly realistic to how I felt as a teenager so imo it isn’t contrived drama.

And Koga obviously loves Aya too. She’s just been a loner for so long that she’s progressing the feelings of “Oh wow, I have a friend” to “Wait, these feelings aren’t just platonic” while also dealing with figuring out her life.

This latest drama btw has only been for the last couple of chapters so I’m not sure why people are acting like it’s been this way for half the series.
bro! Koga is STUCK at I have a friend! PERIOD! there is no romantic feelings she has discover! Aya is ALMOST getting thpus feelings BUT THAT IS ALL! this feels like an one sided crush from Aya and Koga can’f even process friendship let alone “romance”
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2020
By the way, I’m being intentionally pedantic.
Mainly to annoy the first weirdo, but also in hopes of people having an interesting talk about genre vs subject matter.

You can make a thriller about a serial killer, or a slasher movie about a serial killer.

Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves, or not.

I’ve made my point, and you’re free to disagree. I’m also free to put you on ignore. It won’t be anything personal. I’m just not big on unwanted notifications.

Edit: I’ll be ignoring people who reply to ME agreeing as well.

I cannot be arsed anymore.
must be nice being an asshat lool

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