”this very specific scenario with these specific fictional characters“ is not a kink.
It’s mediocre-at-best fanfiction.
”You’re weird for thinking about these CHILDREN having an orgy.”
”Stop kink-shaming!”
You can’t just throw out random buzzwords.
It diminishes the meaning when people use words For completely different things.
Like “lesbian” seems to mean “cis boys and AMAB masc enbies are no.” Which means I guess I’m just a dyke!
Girls. Most women over 25 (when people’s opinions start to matter). Trans girls or cis girls, doesn’t matter. Girls that aren’t idiots or evil are cute af.
All other genders… Meh. Nothin’.
I had someone trying to tell me that bisexuals are homosexuals “just not exclusively“. That’s not how that word works! It no longer means anything useful if you make it mean that.