@AbyssalMonkey You know what else is fantasy? Star Wars. It has as much magic as this series if not more. Yet it's often called science fiction by people who are the reason why fantasy and science fiction tags are practically useless.
Well, I admit I could have written my post better so that you'd have understood the gist of it, which wasn't tag defitions, btw, but the fact that anything set in what is obviously the past from our point of view won't have by default our values, laws, and customs in place. Just because this story is sword and sorcery shouldn't mean everything else is unpredictable as well. In fact we already know it's up to the parents in this very series' world as well, just like it was in real history, so this is indeed historical in that relevant aspect, which was the point of my original post, in response to TheStuffedUnicorn's post, where Aria's sad fate in romance was lamented.