@hedgemoney I get what your saying but....
She literally looks at the giant stack of books in her child's room and instantly understands they are assigning a ridiculous amount of schoolwork to a four year old child, it's like she never visited her child's room before. Sure maybe this is the first unannounced visit and they hid the books before, but I'm guessing not, she just never bothered to go to him and look around for obvious stuff like that. That's not on the child for internalizing pain and giving no sign there was something wrong, there were plenty of physical warning flags that could be easily be seen without getting the child to say or do a cry for help.
A second example, the dark eye bags on a four year old, if she had visited him and LOOKED HIM IN THE FACE she should have also immediately realized her son was exhausted or ill and called a doctor, then question his caretakers for no taking care of him. Clearly she never bothered to visit him.