I'm sorry but I'm still not used to her (a 17+ year old girl) acting like a 4-year-old
@Geohie @Slavin You both do have a point, but if we think about it, memories, while adapting with our current emotions and hormones released, the effect taking place won't go to such an extent. I'll be talking mostly from experience, but a depressed person will most likely draw negative memories more often, and even the happy times might appear slightly distorted, but the fact that there's at least joy won't go away. That's the whole reason why there's the whole "Depressed but don't want to die" kind of thing. I think our own thoughts can also combat hormones e.g. endorphins etc. Like how people who do sports can be depressed despite the happiness hormones
Also what does "acting like a child" truly means? Every person is different from each of their own, and while most do have something in common - curiosity, personality, etc, they might not be this energetic all the time. And on top of that, the determiner is, I believe, your inner thoughts, your likes, and dislikes, as well as knowledge.
From my own experience, as far as I remember it, I was quite an active kid as others described me, but it calmed down a little after I 'gained my first consciousness', although it didn't change a complete 180 degree. I believe it's because of the 'inner thoughts' I had, or 'voice of your inner self', if you'd prefer. Heck, I think my 4-year-old self is more mature than this
Now, now, our lovely MC actually possesses a huge chunk of knowledge and 'inner thoughts' which I guess are passed on through the soul, so it shouldn't have completely changed her