The Heroine of Drayfox - Ch. 7

Fed-Kun's army
Jun 8, 2019
actually really understand her.. wow! usually hate characters like this but.. she hits differently i understand her intentions.
Jul 7, 2020
her reaction is totally acceptable, if you are a normal person, that is a normal reaction. She didnt intentionally hurt anyone, heck se didnt even know that she a powerful being. You guys who complaining why she became like this is weird one.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019

Considering that she is an adult, she should try to behave like one. And additionally, it seems roughly split 50/50 that people here agree with her. Making your comment kind of unfair unless you aim to say half of everyone reading/commenting here is the weird ones, purely based on your own opinion.

I have an attitude of accepting and adapting. I won't get pushed around though, but I use the cards life has dealt me as well as I can. Preferably without causing harm to others. I don't hate folk, I have hard time even forming a long lasting dislike to most folk I don't get along with.

She is the opposite kind. The one that is extremely swayed by her emotions alone. Ofc I will dislike her until she grows a bit more mentally mature. But that's par for the course. Won't stop me for calling her out for the petulant child she is acting like though.
Mar 20, 2020
Her hate is misdirected. I mean she's still a baby after all, of course everyone would be worried. Even if you want them to understand you, they can't. And now because of her stupid tantrum, she hurt Monia.
Jul 7, 2020
shes really childish.... even tho im younger than her, I think im not that childish... its really stressful to know what shes thinkin and I never have sympathy to her.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 6, 2019
@Elmithian She just became a college student, so she is not THAT old. She lost her entire family. She lost her entire future. She lost all of her friends. She lost her ENTIRE WORLD, in just a second. You can't expect ANYONE to just accept that and move on.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019
She spent at minimum of Months behaving like this.

I could see someone being unhappy and really wanting to see their family. Hell, maybe even plan to try to return back to their home.

But all she did was throwing her anger at people that carried no blame at all. And even if you point out the book thing, just one minute of calm thinking on her part during those months should have cooled her anger towards them since all they were trying was to keep her safe.

She had enough time to calm down and come in terms with the situation... for the time at least, but she didn't even try.

I carry no pity towards someone that is mentally supposed to be an adult and manages to behave like this consistently for months.

You need to remember just how long that time really is irl. Behaving badly for a while is one thing, but what she did I have only ever seen bipolar patients (tbf, I only know 3 folk like with that so take that line with a pinch of salt) that behave as extremely for as long as she did.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2019
Here's hoping baby brain is just making her crazy
Active member
Apr 26, 2020
I feel so sad for her mama, I cried a bit as well and ofc she'd do that, would you blame your own child who has such huge power for not knowing how to control it? :'c

But from Hansol's pov what she did was really cruel, she knows better than anyone that she's not a child, she almost killed her mama, it doesn't matter if she doesn't see herself as Finea, she is Finea and Hansol at the same time. It's heartbreaking how she did all this without caring about Finea's parents, all her family hasn't done more than just taking care of and loving her. Geez, my heart. )":
Aug 4, 2018
A lot of people either forget or don't realize she knows there's magic, but she doesn't realize she herself has it. So she didn't know she caused all that while throwing her little tantrum. Plus I think being in the body of a baby affects her mind/mentality somewhat. Also I know they were freaked out how obsessed she was with books at 7 months. But if they didn't want her going to the study or other room they could have brought some of the books in the study to her room and supervise her so it wouldn't be dangerous.
Double-page supporter
Jun 30, 2018
Bro I hope the mom doesn't die. Also what the fuck are the parents doing LMAO bring the books to her, make a new crib that she can't climb out of like there are simple solutions OR WATCH HER MORE? TF
Jul 25, 2020
She hated the people there... for what reason??? If they left her alone she would have ✨died ✨- like does she not realize that she’s actually a baby?? The spirits are wicked too because they know what’s going on and what could happen (and did) and literally said and did nothing. I don’t think I’ll be able to like the characters in this story tbh- especially the spirits and MC🙂
May 24, 2019
_:)3 」∠)_ glad i’m not the only one who finds the FL annoying
Literal child pretending to be a college student
Dec 18, 2019
Sigh.... We human beings are such hypocrites. I really want to see you all who said she's annoying and should stop acting like this because it's been months, months, can you believe this?, actually experiencing what she is going through. Imagine having a loving family, a whole future ahead of you, and having to give all of that up because of some random rule infringer. And then waking up in an unfamiliar environment, with unfamiliar people taking care of your new useless body, complete strangers for family, while still in denial about your death. Wouldn't you hate everything and everyone? So before commenting that she is so childish, so annoying, think twice.
And for those who "don't want to read smth super realistic", the only fact that she could crawl that much and have that much dexterity at 7 months old should be enough, because not even other isekaid babies can do that.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2018
@I_need_a_break exactly. Even the Korean commenters had more common sense than these fools commenting. Most here aren't reading properly (not making sense of what is being said) nor understanding that they are being so jaded and unemotional...
It's like when people say there's a line not to cross during an argument but it's crossed in the heat of a moment, or when rules exist and they're broken, or when everyone knows people shouldn't fight but we all fight anyway...
HUMANS ARE EMOTIONAL and they can't sit down typing here and act like that's not the case... FFS it irritates me to read these comments.
No wonder so many authors write these unrealistic/not always 'frequent in reality' stories, because these fools can't handle reality.
Aug 11, 2019
Really hate looking at these comments saying how MC is childish etc. Can't adults be emotional and stressed? Adults did too, and they lash out words that they didnt mean too and want to be left alone. Think about those moments you were in the lowest of your life.

She's abeing emotional and stressed, moreover, she just finished high school and 7 months is a short time imho. There are more people trapped in their past longer than her. I knew because I'm one of them and its been 3 years and I still can't forget EVERYTHING and everyday I still remembered despite didnt want to. So I actually really like this mc.
Active member
Apr 16, 2019
Gotta agree with other commenters. She's having a realistic reaction to finding out she died. Her whole identity has changed and she's left a loving family behind. Most people would want to get back to that and you know live.

I can understand the main characters who were orphans or their life sucked not wanting to go back but she didn't have that sad backstory.

For those that believe in ghosts, we wouldn't have ghosts if people could handle their death so well...

We also wouldn't have people with ptsd if trauma could be handled so well either
Double-page supporter
Dec 22, 2019
Lol its pathetic, people are never satisfied. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If isekai MC doesn't express their feelings realistically, readers get mad but once they do, the MC is "whiny" and "selfish", nah mate that's just a young adult (18-20 yo) who wasn't experienced in her past world and isnt in this one. She was supposed to be getting ready to start her life, get a job, fall in love etc etc. She had a loving family and a good life but she suddenly died and is smacked into an unknown world, everything she ever knew is gone; she's stripped of her language, and her identity. All she wants is to go home and these strangers are blocking her from doing so, though unknown to her it's out of love. She is not the "villain", and neither are they, they're all just victims of circumstance. You knew what you were getting into reading that synopsis, so don't bitch when the story goes exactly as it said it would.

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