The Heroine of Drayfox - Ch. 8

Aug 2, 2020
Phew, good thing that temper tantrum didn’t last too long. She was starting to get on my nerves....
Dec 16, 2019
@Petnavis Huh okay I do understand it a bit more, but she’s still excessive. For one, it’s not like she doesn’t understand the situation. She should know perfectly well why people are doing what they’re doing. Like resentment would make sense, and the tantrum’s fine. I can see an emotional outburst in this sort of situation. But that’s still no excuse for hitting people. It’s similar to how a person with bipolar personality disorder will struggle with their attitude and we should be understanding of that, but it doesn’t give the, the right to scream at or hit others who’ve done nothing wrong.

They’re good people and treat her ridiculously well, seeing as they’re a crazy perfect family and all (like seriously, what boy wouldn’t care that they had a baby sister who’s monopolizing everyone’s attention and throwing massive tantrums, and then nearly kills their mother during said tantrum? And I mean the fact that his mom had to protect her, since no one knows she caused the whole thing. She’s resentful, but so are other children. He’s an angel compared to her). I just hate how she victimizes herself and purposefully denies the situation with little to no maturity. She’s in the body of a baby, she can try to get back home without seeming like a strange, suicidal child. As someone who’s mentally an adult and underestimated by the people around her, she can be smarter about it (e.g. hiding books and reading them while nobody’s around). Not only would it increase her success, it’d be less harmful for he people around her, and she has all day to sit there and think things through. Because that’s all she can do. And I get breastmilk is gross, but if she really wants to go home, starving herself is not the way to go and she should really suck it up and do what has to be done. She’s not a terrible person, but she’s incredibly immature and only thinks about herself, which isn’t something we should accept just because she’s in a stressful situation. People are bound to notice the others around them, meaning she’s seen how her actions affect the wonderful people around her and refused to care at all or acknowledge that she isn’t the only one suffering. They treat her well, even a stray cat will stop clawing people’s faces off after 6 months (also, Stockholm syndrome tends to kick in). She’s pretty unempathetic and self-centered to behave this way considering the whole situation.

Tldr okay yeah, I’d accept upset and quietly resentful, but she shows no maturity or self awareness and keeps hitting people without thinking about her actions. Not cool. Maybe if we had any inkling that baby hormones make her throw tantrums it’d make sense, but she has zero guilt for slapping a kind lady who’s trying to love her baby. Like, who thinks it’s okay to slap someone with only good intentions? She clearly does—as long as she isn’t stuck with said person for the rest of her life, because apparently that’s where the distinction lies. And because she caused a magical storm, otherwise it’s the woman’s own fault for protecting her. That’s the kind of denial and ignorance that pisses me off. The fact she’s willing to justify still blaming them speaks volumes.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2018
@Runisuni Yeah, this wasn't exactly fleshed out well. The foundation is there to make this part more compelling and her coming to terms with her new family bitter-sweet but the execution was dogshit. I don't expect much when it comes to this in these type of stories because I've only ever seen like 2 comics that get it done well
Aug 4, 2018
I know they didn't want her to be in denial for long and be distant from her family for long, but this whole thing would have been better if she was sonewhat older not a 7 month old baby. The summary also made me think she would be older. Also why does everyone think it's been 6 months? It's been 5. She finally woke when she was 2 months old and is now seven months old. I hope she actually doesn't forget her past family even though she acknowledged she was here now. Also I hope knowledge and other parts of her past life will be relevant.
Jul 25, 2020
I like MC even less now that I know she was intentionally mean and caused harm. Her sob story didn’t move me at all- her struggles aren’t extraordinary and seem privileged in there own way, they were trying to make feel bad for her but for the life of me I couldn’t find a reason. However, the art is really pretty so I’ll keep reading.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2018
I cried....and that dragon speech...are so majestic
Jun 22, 2019
I saw a lot saying that MC was excessive but if i was put in her position i probably would do so as well... so i like the story so far, feels quite realistic in her emotional changes :D
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2019
@emily1811 the problem is that how the readers could not refer our situation to MC at all. because of that we see no value in her being childish and unreasonable. I even hold impatience in my view of the mc. maybe ur right, i might do that as well considering her situation, but i could not refer her to my situation currently as i never exprienced that.

so the only problem should be the author/artist of not conveying the message right, of how this all should flow/go to begin with...
May 4, 2019
I can relate so much with MC as I love my mom and brother so much it hurts. I'll do the same, trying to get back to them, so I understand her. I cried while reading this chapter :(
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2018
I cried reading this. I know it must've hurt so badly that she felt like dying - being separated from her original family, and having to force herself to accept that. :(
@/Drake98 that's just you and hard-headed persons. Many of us including kor readers can. You shouldn't have to 'experience' it to be able to sympathize with her.

@/Runisuni ... What you're saying is easier said than done. You are a third person, you aren't the one affected and you are not in emotional turmoil.
Dec 16, 2019
@Writerfromanotherstar It’s more of a personal philosophy. It’s been a rough few years and the stress makes me want to snap at everyone at the smallest thing, so it’s not like I can’t understand having a tough time, but I feel like we shouldn’t accept our own bad behavior because of it. I don’t think you should take things out on others when they’ve done nothing wrong, no matter how rough of a time you’ve been having, and especially when they’ve treated you so well.

I don’t know, maybe I’d just like to hear a little more of a ‘why’ than that she misses her family. It’s kind of weird to hate unrelated strangers for it, or at least it feels that way for me. We see more of her actions than her thoughts and feelings and I would’ve liked more of that to understand why she acts the way she does. It made it a little hard to read for me, but I’m glad you enjoyed it! Tearjerkers are always great
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2019
@Writerfromanotherstar hey, its like saying how the only person who can symphatize with her is the only one who can say anything about her.

I cried reading this. I know it must've hurt so badly that she felt like dying - being separated from her original family, and having to force herself to accept that. :(
@/Drake98 that's just you and hard-headed persons. Many of us including kor readers can. You shouldn't have to 'experience' it to be able to sympathize with her.

@/Runisuni ... What you're saying is easier said than done. You are a third person, you aren't the one affected and you are not in emotional turmoil.

even if the basic idea of being [seperated from family] is true, the loneliness and fear toward the unknown would have gotten me too. still, what i was trying to say was how the author or maybe artist could make it so that the reader could sympathize with her more with chapter investment. what i can see from these chapter is only denial. if we can see the parents, friends of her, then the readers could sympathize more with her. if not then it was only text and hence my perception on the mc as being denial and unreasonable.

see this:
so the only problem should be the author/artist of not conveying the message right, of how this all should flow/go to begin with...

u sus
Double-page supporter
Jun 15, 2018
Maybe her childishness is affected by her current body (maybe her wanting to study psychometry means something) or maybe it's because she's 18 (19 max) that she's taken to a single-minded pursuit of returning rather than accepting her new family (which means, effectively, accepting that everyone she knows and loves is gone). Either way, I'm glad she was able to vent to the dragon because she honestly needed that, especially since her frustration at being unable to communicate was mentioned multiple times.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2018
@Drake98 The thing is that she already reiterated the reasons for her actions. And of course, she was in denial, but I wouldn't say unreasonable, because her actions had a reason, and when given an outlet and someone who could truly answer her questions (the dragon), she got clarity.
I think the readers should have anticipated her being an emotional person and despite that, should not be calling her a brat, or ignorant, when she was trying to deal with her loss in the only way she knew how.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2019
@Writerfromanotherstar yes, because as i say its the author/artist fault. this manhwa is all about a girl reincarnated to another world ok. not about a girl living a life on earth that reincarnated to another world. they seem the same, but the first focus more on another world side. the latter would have the girl mc reincarnate quarter/half to the series itself. with the latter we readers could build relationship with characters of the girl mc friend and parents on earth more.
Sep 26, 2020
what I found is that the dragon did not tell her directly 'you is already died from past life' hopefully, we don't need to see this issue go back to the previous world or not again.

I know she was only 17 and want to go back home badly. but her actions were quite self-minded. and i don't like that she stubbornly disregard other people cares and kindness and take it as bad intention. also slapping on face to people who was good to you and care about you is unacceptable for me, even they are not your family or just passerby. she grows enough to know how to reject politely.

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